My, my,'s been awhile, hasn't it? In a little over a week it will be December, and I realize my last post was early October. A spankworthy offence, I'd say!
Too bad I don't need an excuse to be spanked. Leo is certainly finding lots of those! He has really been cracking down lately. Maybe it was the argument we had about a month ago. We had been crazy busy - hence my lack of posting - and Leo had been travelling around for work. Needless to say, I was restless at home and missing my husband, and work was stressful for me too. So one day, I just lost it. I went on and on about how much I need and crave discipline, and how I really want this DD thing to work. I wasn't really expecting him to listen. I hoped he would, but in the back of my mind I knew that getting a man to adjust to this lifestyle takes time and patience. Leo got a little defensive at first, but then he just stood there, hands on hips, as I spewed my criticisms. Then, when I was out of breath and had nothing left to say, he said, "So are you done, then?"
I just shook my head at him, crossed my arms, and rolled my eyes - the true attitude of a brat. He pointed at the bed and said, "Good. Get your ass over the side of the bed now."
Okay, so at this point I was shocked, to say the least. I hadn't expected such an instant transformation. Just a few moments before, I had been ranting and raving and being the assertive one...a practice we spankos know as "topping from the bottom". The fast turnaround and role-reversal was startling! Suddenly, I had to try and switch into submissive mode, which was not easy to do. Leo sensed my hesitation and said, "If you want a spanking, then I'll give you one. Bend over the bed." I took a couple of slow steps and obeyed his orders, my mind spinning. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't refuse a spanking when I had just gotten frustrated with him for not making an effort with DD. Part of me was secretly thrilled and excited, and the other part was nervous and a little bit apprehensive of his suddenly authoritative tone. After I had bent over the bed, he left the room.
Ten minutes or so later, he came back. He had something in his hand but wouldn't let me see what it was. He wasted no time striding over toward the bed and delivering several sharp smacks to my butt. I started wiggling, and by this point I think he had lost all patience. After I had chewed him out, he wasn't willing to give me any leeway. That's when I felt the jeans coming down.
"Oh my God, Leo!" And down they came.
This was a strange position to be in. A lot of the time, it's been me hinting and nudging towards spankings, and trying to establish circumstances where I felt punishment was due. But I secretly always wanted a husband who would take control, and I hadn't had that. All of a sudden I did, and to see Leo become assertive, and to see what a helpless position I was in, was really different.
Leo spanked my panty clad butt for a couple of minutes, but my squirming really ticked him off. My pain tolerance isn't super high, and even though I want spankings, it's not always easy to stay still! This prompted him to take me over his knee instead, where he pinned down my legs and yanked the panties down too.
"Isla, if you want spankings and discipline so much in your life, then so be it. If you think that this will be beneficial for our marriage, fantastic. But I will not have you talking down to me, or treating me the way you just did. And should you ever try to do it again, you'll find yourself in the same position you're in now." Then he brought out the secret weapon he'd been hiding earlier...a ping pong paddle! He dug it out of the basement. I had no idea we'd even owned one, but before I knew it, it was delivering some pretty stingy, sharp smacks to my bare butt. It wasn't long before I was wiggling all over the place!
Afterward, my butt was red and I was a little teary. We cuddled for awhile, and I apologized for the way I'd treated him. I knew that that spanking - our first real spanking - hadn't been easy for him, but I really appreciated the effort he'd made. And since then, he's made a lot more efforts. Let me elaborate.
Even though I'd tried to show Leo spanking sites and blogs before, he'd pretended to be interested, but I didn't know how much he was actually absorbing. After that spanking, he decided to do some research. He's mentioned a lot of different things. He's suggested the IcyHot that I discussed a few months back but we never got around to trying, on an already punished bottom or one about to be spanked - yeow! He knows now that spanking a wet bottom makes it sting more, so he often likes to spank me after showers. He's also mentioned mouth soaping (I will admit that I can have a foul mouth sometimes), corner time, and even butt plugs. We've never experimented much with anal play, partly because I've always been a little wary of it and Leo has always been nervous to hurt me. But now he seems to be toying (pardon the pun!) with the idea. We've had spankings since the spanking I just told you about, and Leo has decided that he will not permit me to clench my butt cheeks. Let me tell you - that's hard to do! There have been a couple of times where he has given extra swats due to clenching, and other times he puts me in positions where my legs are spread pretty far apart so that clenching is more difficult. Those positions are very humbling to be in because everything's exposed. However, all of this no-clenching business has prompted him to look into figging (ginger root) instead of a butt plug. Apparently when you clench, it stings even more! Yikes. I have also been neglecting a lot of housework lately, and Leo talked about buying an assortment of butt plugs in different sizes and having me clean the house. Each hour, he will take out the plug and insert a bigger one until I get the job done. Now I'm not sure if he would actually do this, and it would probably be awhile until we could because we'd need to start out small with the plugs. But the fact that he's getting all of these ideas is both exciting and a little frightening...
All of this sounds crazy. I know, I don't really believe it either! But the progress we've made since my last post is rather incredible, and I wanted to be able to share it with all of you. :)
I also wanted to share a Spankingtube video. I do enjoy Spankingtube. I prefer the DD videos to the BDSM ones by far, and I enjoy the punishment ones over the erotic ones. I also don't really get anything out of watching men spanked by women, but that's just me. The user in the video link that I'm posting below is fantastic. I just discovered him the other day! He's a very effective spanker. His spankings are hard and definitely drive the message home, but they're also accompanied by a lot of lecturing and scolding. Some people don't like the scolding because they think it distracts from the spanking, but I think it adds to it! Hearing the spanker say "Get your pants down" or "Your bottom is getting a lot redder" or "Push that bottom up so I can punish it properly" enhances the spanking, in my opinion. It also establishes that spanker/spankee connection. There are a few videos and users on Spankingtube that I like to watch, and so I think every once in awhile I will include a link or a little blurb about them in my posts.
I am hoping that this link works! If I were tech-savvy, then I might be able to actually upload the video to this page, but unfortunately I'm not.
I'm sorry that I haven't been around lately. Even though I've still been checking in on other blogs, I haven't had much time to make a lot of comments or write a post of my own. But I've been thinking of all of you, I promise!
I'd best be off to bed now, because like I said, Leo is cracking down...and tonight, I don't want it to be on my bottom!
I'm just your average 20-something woman who gets spankings from her husband when she needs them...and loves every minute of it (usually!)
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Monday, 3 October 2011
Fall Fever
Well, it is unquestionable that fall is here. There is a large maple tree at the end of our street, and I swear that every time I go by, more leaves have fallen. I do like fall - there's something warm and cozy about it. I love the changing colours of the leaves and that "fall" smell outside, and the feeling of a fresh new start. Often, Leo and I will head up to my parents' cottage for Thanksgiving (the Canadian one is this weekend). Sadly, we won't be doing that this year, but when we do go up, the colours changing up North are incredible. There's other things I love about fall too...for example, Leo and I went apple picking yesterday. It was grey out, and it rained near the end, but it was still a fun time! Leo had never really been apple picking before we met, and now we make it into a yearly tradition. It's fun to go out, get some fresh air, and eat the apples right off the tree!
I also love the smells and tastes of fall. In the last three days, I've gotten a Starbucks each day. I'm a sucker for Starbucks. Now, Leo would ordinarly be a bit peeved, seeing how Starbucks is pretty expensive...but I've got him hooked too! Their Pumpkin Spice Latte is ridiculously good, and it's only out in the fall!! I also like the Bath & Body Works scents that come out around this time of year; there's a cinnamon-y pumpkin one I like, and they've got some great smelly candles that I can't wait to get my hands on. Oh, and those cute pumpkin soap holders...sigh. I think I'm getting a little carried away, but what can I say? I've got fall fever!
I got a little spanking yesterday, just to ensure that my butt matched the red leaves falling. It was just a random "maintenance" type spanking - not punishment. In a way, I really cherish those spankings. It shows that he's still interested in catering to my needs and wants, even when I'm not acting up. We never did try that Icy Hot thing, but I know it's still in the back of his mind somewhere. Occasionally, he'll make a vague reference to things like butt plugs or purchasing new implements, but I'm not sure if he's just teasing/threatening or being serious. While I'm a pretty sexual person, I am unsure how I feel about the whole butt plug thing. Reading about it is one thing, but we have never really experimented with anal play and I'm not sure how comfortable I am with that. I have a feeling he's also thinking about it in a punishment frame of mind, so I think the whole goal is to ensure I'm not comfortable. Who knows with my husband. He could mention the idea once, never say another word about it, and it will show up in the mail two weeks later. We'll see what happens.
So what's new with all of you? :) Any changing fall colours where you are?
I also love the smells and tastes of fall. In the last three days, I've gotten a Starbucks each day. I'm a sucker for Starbucks. Now, Leo would ordinarly be a bit peeved, seeing how Starbucks is pretty expensive...but I've got him hooked too! Their Pumpkin Spice Latte is ridiculously good, and it's only out in the fall!! I also like the Bath & Body Works scents that come out around this time of year; there's a cinnamon-y pumpkin one I like, and they've got some great smelly candles that I can't wait to get my hands on. Oh, and those cute pumpkin soap holders...sigh. I think I'm getting a little carried away, but what can I say? I've got fall fever!
I got a little spanking yesterday, just to ensure that my butt matched the red leaves falling. It was just a random "maintenance" type spanking - not punishment. In a way, I really cherish those spankings. It shows that he's still interested in catering to my needs and wants, even when I'm not acting up. We never did try that Icy Hot thing, but I know it's still in the back of his mind somewhere. Occasionally, he'll make a vague reference to things like butt plugs or purchasing new implements, but I'm not sure if he's just teasing/threatening or being serious. While I'm a pretty sexual person, I am unsure how I feel about the whole butt plug thing. Reading about it is one thing, but we have never really experimented with anal play and I'm not sure how comfortable I am with that. I have a feeling he's also thinking about it in a punishment frame of mind, so I think the whole goal is to ensure I'm not comfortable. Who knows with my husband. He could mention the idea once, never say another word about it, and it will show up in the mail two weeks later. We'll see what happens.
So what's new with all of you? :) Any changing fall colours where you are?
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Male Dominance
So I know it's back to school time for a few folks out there, and I thought I'd do a little post reflecting some history/sociology regarding male dominance. When I was still in school, I took a sociology class, and one day we focused on this subject. I recall watching a film debating whether or not a patriarchal society is human nature. The main view that the video was trying to portray was that no, it is not human nature. It argued that male dominance is at the heart of the world's problems, and we must get rid of patriarchy and get rid of it fast. I mean, let's face it - for the most part, things like government are a very male institution. And even with progression, hierarchy and violence still rule the world.
Now comes the history. Ten thousand years ago, farming really had an impact on gender roles. In hunter gatherer societies, men were needed for hunting - but not much else. The women did all of the real work that kept the small societies functioning. The social fabric of the time would have collapsed without the input of the women. But, as the groups began moving into villages, the status of men dropped steeply. Their hunting roles weren't really needed anymore, and that caused resentment. The result? Raw material for a revolution. And that is exactly what happened. Women have always been neglected in history, and nearly all historical sources are written by men. In those days (and still in some places today), power was gained by terror. Laws destroyed women's freedom, and they were often secluded from men and forced to veil themselves. Essentially, women were private property.
Over the years, females in our Western culture have obviously gained much more status and recognition in society. A long time ago, mass communication obviously wasn't an option - there was no radio, newspaper, books, nothing. That led to a select group of people making all of the decisions. Nowadays, though, we do have those tools. The video argued that patriarchy no longer makes sense as an institution. Mass communication allows for democracy.
There are some who argue that male dominance is human nature, simply due to factors such as different hormones, or the fact that men are generally physically stronger. At the time that I took the class, I knew that DD and spanking were something that interested me, but I was still in that awkward phase where I felt guilty about it. I felt guilty because I felt that as a strong and independent woman, I didn't need a man to tell me what to do, or punish me when I didn't do it. I began to wonder if the video was right - is patriarchy all in our heads, and not in our genes? Was it simply the way society ended up due to various factors over time? I'm interested to know what everyone thinks. This is an unusual post, I know...but I thought it might be interesting to shake things up a little and see where people stand on this. Comment and let me know!
P.S. Blogger is being funny and is not allowing me to comment on anyone's blogs, not even my own! Not sure what's up with that. It says that my account does not have access to the page. Has anyone else ever had this problem???
Now comes the history. Ten thousand years ago, farming really had an impact on gender roles. In hunter gatherer societies, men were needed for hunting - but not much else. The women did all of the real work that kept the small societies functioning. The social fabric of the time would have collapsed without the input of the women. But, as the groups began moving into villages, the status of men dropped steeply. Their hunting roles weren't really needed anymore, and that caused resentment. The result? Raw material for a revolution. And that is exactly what happened. Women have always been neglected in history, and nearly all historical sources are written by men. In those days (and still in some places today), power was gained by terror. Laws destroyed women's freedom, and they were often secluded from men and forced to veil themselves. Essentially, women were private property.
Over the years, females in our Western culture have obviously gained much more status and recognition in society. A long time ago, mass communication obviously wasn't an option - there was no radio, newspaper, books, nothing. That led to a select group of people making all of the decisions. Nowadays, though, we do have those tools. The video argued that patriarchy no longer makes sense as an institution. Mass communication allows for democracy.
There are some who argue that male dominance is human nature, simply due to factors such as different hormones, or the fact that men are generally physically stronger. At the time that I took the class, I knew that DD and spanking were something that interested me, but I was still in that awkward phase where I felt guilty about it. I felt guilty because I felt that as a strong and independent woman, I didn't need a man to tell me what to do, or punish me when I didn't do it. I began to wonder if the video was right - is patriarchy all in our heads, and not in our genes? Was it simply the way society ended up due to various factors over time? I'm interested to know what everyone thinks. This is an unusual post, I know...but I thought it might be interesting to shake things up a little and see where people stand on this. Comment and let me know!
P.S. Blogger is being funny and is not allowing me to comment on anyone's blogs, not even my own! Not sure what's up with that. It says that my account does not have access to the page. Has anyone else ever had this problem???
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
More Mishaps!
I got a punishment spanking. A real punishment spanking. Not for being late for my bedtime curfew (which Leo has started cracking down on again), or for being a little mouthy. Nope. Instead, I got it for denting the left fender of the car. I know I posted about having a similar incident earlier, but I did it again! I can't believe it. I am a good driver (really I am!) but I've just had a couple of careless moments, and this time, it didn't end well for me or my butt.
Leo went away last weekend, so I was home alone. I went to the mall with a friend on Saturday, and it was packed with back-to-school shoppers. So, there was only one parking spot near a pole, and even though it was a little tight I took it. When we returned, I had a car very close to me on the other side, and not a lot of distance to back out. I looked the wrong way for one second, and bam - hit the pole. I came home and frantically searched online to see where I could get the dent fixed, and for how much. Most autobody shops and dealerships would want thousands of dollars for the repair, but then I found this thing called paintless dent removal that costs way less and takes less time, and a place in our city that did it. I figured I would head over the next day and have the dent repaired, and Leo would never know. And then I saw that it wasn't open on Sundays...and the next day was Labour Day, so it wouldn't be open then either! Leo was coming home late Monday afternoon, and I knew I was screwed. I tried to come up with all sorts of excuses, such as that another car hit me or that a shingle from the roofing project next door fell on it (I was desperate, okay?!), but in the end I decided that honesty was the best policy. I planned to take the car for an estimate after work today, because I couldn't yesterday. I didn't tell him though. I waited for him to see it, and somehow, he didn't see it until this morning.
"Isla," he said, opening the front door. "Did you hit something with the car?"
Those words filled me with dread. I came in and spilled the story, and he was not happy. Like me, he anticipated that the repair would be thousands of dollars, and the dent decreases the car's value. Not to mention that this is my second mishap with the car recently. He didn't say anything this morning, but when I returned from work today, he was waiting. I got a very stern lecture on being more careful and responsible with the car (I felt like a 16 year old who had just learned to drive!), and he was not thrilled at the prospect of spending money on repairs just because I hadn't been more cautious. All of these made me feel incredibly guilty and frustrated at my carelessness, but all of what he said was very deserved. Then I was flipped over his knee, pants and panties down, and given a very fast and hard hand spanking. This had me crying pretty quickly. After that, he had me try something new - diaper position - and he got out that stupid wooden spoon and applied it right to my sit spots. It was horrible trying to hold my legs, and I got a bunch of extras for getting out of position. He also mentioned that he thinks it would be a good idea to get a paddle. Who is this man?! I mean, he's always been willing to have a DD marriage, but he never got so serious before! When the spanking was over, I was crying and apologetic, and then he told me I had better go get the estimate for the repair. Sitting on my sore bottom in the car all the way to the repair shop was not fun, nor was shifting back and forth uncomfortably as the technician took my information. It's going to end up costing us $395, which obviously isn't anything to be excited about, but it is less than we would pay at an autobody shop. Sigh. If only I could stop getting myself into trouble...
Everything else is going fine with us. Last week was pretty hot and humid, and these past couple of days have been the exact opposite - rainy, cloudy, and cold. It's definitely starting to feel like fall, and I noticed this morning when I woke up freezing and wore my coat around the house for a couple of hours! Not to worry, I guess - apparently Leo knows how to keep my bottom warm at least!
Leo went away last weekend, so I was home alone. I went to the mall with a friend on Saturday, and it was packed with back-to-school shoppers. So, there was only one parking spot near a pole, and even though it was a little tight I took it. When we returned, I had a car very close to me on the other side, and not a lot of distance to back out. I looked the wrong way for one second, and bam - hit the pole. I came home and frantically searched online to see where I could get the dent fixed, and for how much. Most autobody shops and dealerships would want thousands of dollars for the repair, but then I found this thing called paintless dent removal that costs way less and takes less time, and a place in our city that did it. I figured I would head over the next day and have the dent repaired, and Leo would never know. And then I saw that it wasn't open on Sundays...and the next day was Labour Day, so it wouldn't be open then either! Leo was coming home late Monday afternoon, and I knew I was screwed. I tried to come up with all sorts of excuses, such as that another car hit me or that a shingle from the roofing project next door fell on it (I was desperate, okay?!), but in the end I decided that honesty was the best policy. I planned to take the car for an estimate after work today, because I couldn't yesterday. I didn't tell him though. I waited for him to see it, and somehow, he didn't see it until this morning.
"Isla," he said, opening the front door. "Did you hit something with the car?"
Those words filled me with dread. I came in and spilled the story, and he was not happy. Like me, he anticipated that the repair would be thousands of dollars, and the dent decreases the car's value. Not to mention that this is my second mishap with the car recently. He didn't say anything this morning, but when I returned from work today, he was waiting. I got a very stern lecture on being more careful and responsible with the car (I felt like a 16 year old who had just learned to drive!), and he was not thrilled at the prospect of spending money on repairs just because I hadn't been more cautious. All of these made me feel incredibly guilty and frustrated at my carelessness, but all of what he said was very deserved. Then I was flipped over his knee, pants and panties down, and given a very fast and hard hand spanking. This had me crying pretty quickly. After that, he had me try something new - diaper position - and he got out that stupid wooden spoon and applied it right to my sit spots. It was horrible trying to hold my legs, and I got a bunch of extras for getting out of position. He also mentioned that he thinks it would be a good idea to get a paddle. Who is this man?! I mean, he's always been willing to have a DD marriage, but he never got so serious before! When the spanking was over, I was crying and apologetic, and then he told me I had better go get the estimate for the repair. Sitting on my sore bottom in the car all the way to the repair shop was not fun, nor was shifting back and forth uncomfortably as the technician took my information. It's going to end up costing us $395, which obviously isn't anything to be excited about, but it is less than we would pay at an autobody shop. Sigh. If only I could stop getting myself into trouble...
Everything else is going fine with us. Last week was pretty hot and humid, and these past couple of days have been the exact opposite - rainy, cloudy, and cold. It's definitely starting to feel like fall, and I noticed this morning when I woke up freezing and wore my coat around the house for a couple of hours! Not to worry, I guess - apparently Leo knows how to keep my bottom warm at least!
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
I'm Alive, I Promise!
Now, considering my last post was thirteen days ago, and because I am so accident prone, everyone must think that I have fallen off the face of the Earth or something (and knowing me, I could probably manage that somehow...). But I promise I haven't! Instead, I dropped the laptop. The screen was horribly cracked and nothing would load! So, $350.00 and a week later, I have my laptop back again - fixed, with a new hard drive and everything. It was just a moment of clumsiness and carelessness. I was holding the laptop in one arm (bad idea) and looking for something and then CRASH. Sigh. Leave it to me to break and burn and lose everything in sight!
But now I am back, and all is well again! A week without my computer was easier than I expected, since I spend a lot of time online, but it's still nice to have it back. Missing PK's Fantasy Fridays was certainly sad! I always look forward to those. I guess I have some reading to catch up on! Also, I did finally receive a spanking. It was for a combination of things - dropping the computer, general rudeness, etc. - and I feel a lot more settled and focused now. It was about 300 swats, some with a wooden spoon, and I am not eager to have the experience repeated!! Even though neither of us were particularly unhappy with our lack of spanking, it did feel nice to get back into the swing of things again.
And, my burns are pretty much healed! I have a small mark above my lip that I think might scar, but it's nothing major or overly noticeable. My hand feels and looks way better, and I have been extra cautious in the kitchen. It's strange to think how quickly things in your life can change. That explosion could have burned me much worse, and I could have had horrible burns on my face and neck. I am grateful that that didn't happen.
Well, if I want to get caught up on my blog reading, I had better go! I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm alive (for now, because who knows what sort of trouble I'll be getting myself into this time!)
But now I am back, and all is well again! A week without my computer was easier than I expected, since I spend a lot of time online, but it's still nice to have it back. Missing PK's Fantasy Fridays was certainly sad! I always look forward to those. I guess I have some reading to catch up on! Also, I did finally receive a spanking. It was for a combination of things - dropping the computer, general rudeness, etc. - and I feel a lot more settled and focused now. It was about 300 swats, some with a wooden spoon, and I am not eager to have the experience repeated!! Even though neither of us were particularly unhappy with our lack of spanking, it did feel nice to get back into the swing of things again.
And, my burns are pretty much healed! I have a small mark above my lip that I think might scar, but it's nothing major or overly noticeable. My hand feels and looks way better, and I have been extra cautious in the kitchen. It's strange to think how quickly things in your life can change. That explosion could have burned me much worse, and I could have had horrible burns on my face and neck. I am grateful that that didn't happen.
Well, if I want to get caught up on my blog reading, I had better go! I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm alive (for now, because who knows what sort of trouble I'll be getting myself into this time!)
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Summer Days Drifting Away
I think that the title says it all. It's not like I get the summer off from work, but there's just something about it that makes it different from the rest of the year. You have your vacation days; the weather is nice; and you're just generally more happy! But, now that it's mid-August, it is suddenly dawning on me that the summer is quickly drawing to a close. Sigh.
Typing this is slightly difficult, as I am accident prone. Earlier tonight, I had a couple of girlfriends over and we were baking. I was making a frosting that required me to use those saucepans where one goes on top of the other, and the bottom one has boiling water that cooks the stuff in the top one (if that makes any sense). So, of course, I picked two saucepans that weren't meant to do that. I did my thing, cooked the ingredients, and turned off the burner. When I tried to remove the top saucepan, it was a little bit stuck. I tugged, and it popped right off, making a very loud noise and spraying boiling water and sugar everywhere - all over the kitchen, and all over me. I screamed and there were these three horrifying seconds where I thought my face was ruined forever. Luckily, I only have slight burns on my face and neck/chest area, but my left hand is pretty burnt too. Nothing severe - I didn't have to go to the hospital or anything - but enough to scare the crap out of me. I gave my friends a good scare too! I've been using a soothing lidocaine spray, and I took some Advil. I guess I shouldn't quit my day job!
But, because I haven't really written a post in awhile, I figured I needed to get on here and do it anyway. Not that there's much to report, though. No spanking action. None. And strangely, I am okay with it. I don't really have an urge to be spanked lately. Perhaps it is some sort of strange PMS side effect, but he hasn't mentioned spanking or DD at all, and neither have I. We're not unhappy right now; things are going just fine. I am not sure when spanking will pick up again. I know it will at some point, but for now, we're both just not feeling it I guess. I suppose this is normal. I know I said that I would have a discussion with him, but I'm dragging my heels on that too. Must be something about summer. Perhaps when things become more routine again, I'll crave the spankings more. Who knows?
Hmmm...what else to report? Nothing really. I saw The Help last night - what a great film! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. I'm a big fan of meaningful, feel-good movies with a message. Normally, I read the book before I see the movie, but this time it's the other way around. Now I have to find some time to get started on the book!
Well, I suppose that's all in my oh-so-exciting life ;) What's happening in all of yours?
Typing this is slightly difficult, as I am accident prone. Earlier tonight, I had a couple of girlfriends over and we were baking. I was making a frosting that required me to use those saucepans where one goes on top of the other, and the bottom one has boiling water that cooks the stuff in the top one (if that makes any sense). So, of course, I picked two saucepans that weren't meant to do that. I did my thing, cooked the ingredients, and turned off the burner. When I tried to remove the top saucepan, it was a little bit stuck. I tugged, and it popped right off, making a very loud noise and spraying boiling water and sugar everywhere - all over the kitchen, and all over me. I screamed and there were these three horrifying seconds where I thought my face was ruined forever. Luckily, I only have slight burns on my face and neck/chest area, but my left hand is pretty burnt too. Nothing severe - I didn't have to go to the hospital or anything - but enough to scare the crap out of me. I gave my friends a good scare too! I've been using a soothing lidocaine spray, and I took some Advil. I guess I shouldn't quit my day job!
But, because I haven't really written a post in awhile, I figured I needed to get on here and do it anyway. Not that there's much to report, though. No spanking action. None. And strangely, I am okay with it. I don't really have an urge to be spanked lately. Perhaps it is some sort of strange PMS side effect, but he hasn't mentioned spanking or DD at all, and neither have I. We're not unhappy right now; things are going just fine. I am not sure when spanking will pick up again. I know it will at some point, but for now, we're both just not feeling it I guess. I suppose this is normal. I know I said that I would have a discussion with him, but I'm dragging my heels on that too. Must be something about summer. Perhaps when things become more routine again, I'll crave the spankings more. Who knows?
Hmmm...what else to report? Nothing really. I saw The Help last night - what a great film! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. I'm a big fan of meaningful, feel-good movies with a message. Normally, I read the book before I see the movie, but this time it's the other way around. Now I have to find some time to get started on the book!
Well, I suppose that's all in my oh-so-exciting life ;) What's happening in all of yours?
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Crusin' for a Brusin'
Hey guys! So I know I tried my hand at writing a few months back, and I thought maybe I'd give it another go. If you have any feedback about this story, please comment! I'd love to hear it! :)
Ellie was a good driver. Really, she was. She had been driving for years. The driving instructor she'd had at age sixteen had told her that she was a natural. Or at least this was what she tried to convince herself as she sat in the driver's seat with the air bag exploded in her face and a searing pang of dread creeping up her spine.
It had been a rough day. Everything had gone wrong. It had started at the coffee shop when they had completely messed up her caramel spice latte. She had taken one sip and her tastebuds had immediately cried out in protest. But, because she was running late and had no time to order another drink, she tried to gag it down simply for the caffeine fix. Then, after being stopped by a train for a full twenty minutes, she flew into work in a panic. While running down the rows of office cubicles, she failed to look where she was going and the remaining half cup of coffee ended up splashing all over her boss' shirt when they collided. His angry glare denied any hope of the promotion that she had been praying for. She had offered to pay for the dry cleaning, but he had simply ushered her away with a wave of annoyance. The rest of the day had simply gone downhill. The copier had jammed, she got a call from the credit card company to inform her that her payment was late, her computer had shut off in the middle of typing an important and lengthy document, and she had accidentally forwarded the email about the bra sale to Mike in the Finance Department instead of her best friend Natalie.
So, by the time five o' clock rolled around, Ellie's bag was packed and thoughts of her evening floated in her mind. Maybe she'd buy a Cosmo magazine and a tub of chocolate ice cream to eat, and perhaps she'd rent a teary romantic chick flick to watch alone. All of these things had been her saving grace three months ago when her boyfriend of two years had broken up with her, and she felt pathetic at the prospect of doing it all again. She trudged out of the office building feeling dejected.
Maybe it was her eagerness to get home to her comfy bed and pyjamas, or maybe it was a rush of anger at how her day had unfolded. She pondered this and then realized that it didn't really matter - she had hit the other car regardless of the reason. She had paid no attention to the stop sign ahead and had blown right through it. She sat dumbfounded in the driver's seat, knowing that she should get out and talk to the person she had hit, but not having the strength or the energy to do it. Luckily, he came to her.
"Are you all right?!" a deep voice asked frantically.
Ellie looked up, and was astonished by the man who stood there. He was only a little older than her, with wavy chestnut hair and piercing frosted green eyes that were filled with concern. She felt ashamed that she had been the one to cause the accident, and yet he was the one who was so worried about her. She took a deep breath.
"I-I'm okay," she managed. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, I am," he told her, "but my car's not." His voice hardened suddenly. "What the hell were you thinking? Or were you even thinking at all? How could you have missed that stop sign?"
She opened the door and climbed slowly out of the car. One of her headlights was smashed, not to mention the completely dented state of her front bumper. She surveyed his car and noticed that the damage was equally bad. She cringed at the thought of her insurance rates soaring. "I've had a horrible day," she told him. "You're right...I just wasn't thinking. I feel absolutely terrible. Of course I'll pay for all of the damage, you don't need to worry about that--"
"That won't be necessary," he cut her off. "I don't want you to pay for anything. But I do want you to agree to something."
She bobbed her head up and down. "Anything, anything at all!"
"Go to dinner with me." She scanned his face for any indication that he was joking, but the firm line of his lips and his steady gaze suggested that he wasn't. "There's a great Italian place down the street. Since we don't have any cars--" She blushed like a tomato. "--we can walk."
"Of course I'll go with you," she breathed. "But are you sure you don't want me to cover the costs of the accident?"
"I've already explained this to you," he said. "You are going to dinner with me and that's the deal." Something in his voice made her realize how serious he was. She nodded in silence.
A police car pulled up just then, and an officer clambered out to speak with them. The man explained the details of the accident while Ellie held her head down in shame beside him.
"Well, sir, I'd suggest that you contact your insurance company and have this young lady do the same immediately and begin to arrange for the costs of the damage to be covered," the officer said.
"Oh, that's quite all right," the man responded easily. "We have already worked out a deal between us. But thank you."
The officer raised an eyebrow. "You don't want her to pay for the damage that she caused?" he said quizzically, jerking a thumb in Ellie's direction. "By the sounds of it, this accident was her fault. Don't you want to hold her accountable?"
"Thank you, Officer," the man said again, "but that won't be necessary."
The officer appeared confused, but shook his head in disbelief and walked away. By the time the tow trucks had arrived and everything had been settled, nearly two hours had passed. Ellie and the man walked down to the restaurant and were seated in a booth near the window.
"I'm Victor, by the way," he told her as they studied their menus. She looked up from reading the description of a scallop pasta dish and smiled.
"I'm Ellie. Nice to meet you," she said, and she meant it. "Although I apologize again for the way that we met."
"Oh, don't worry about that," he said casually. "That will all be taken care of later."
A flurry of anxiety fluttered in her stomach. "But I thought...? You said...? You said this was the deal!" Ellie cried.
He looked up at her, one eyebrow raised. "You'll see what I mean. Let's leave it at that."
So she did. She was reluctant, but she managed to avoid the topic. They had a lovely dinner, complete with a bottle of wine and great conversation. She found out that he was studying to become a doctor, and that he was single and newly moved to their town. They talked for hours, and by the end of the meal she felt as if she had known him forever. Despite the fact that she had caused the accident earlier, he insisted on paying the bill. The sky was dark and sprinkled with stars by the time they emerged, and her spirits had lifted greatly. This beat Cosmo and chick flicks one hundred percent.
"My apartment isn't far from here," Victor suggested. "We could walk there if you like." She normally would have felt apprehensive about going to someone's apartment who she had just met. But with this man, something was different. She found herself agreeing instantly. The night air was crisp and cool and it took them only fifteen minutes to make their way to his apartment building. After a short elevator ride, they were there.
It was small, but cozy. He was obviously a world traveller, as everything seemed to be adorned with souvenirs from other countries. The clock in his kitchen was from Holland; the calendar on his wall from China; the woven rug in his living room from Kenya. The air smelled slightly of minty cologne and she felt strangely at home. He went over and sat on the couch and beckoned for her to join him.
"Earlier today, you could have killed both of us with your carelessness," he began slowly. "And after talking to you for the past few hours, I think you're a great girl, Ellie." He smiled. "So I don't think that careless accidents are a regular thing for you, and I hope that they're not. But I also think that these things can't go without consequence." A look of complete confusion had taken over her face. He didn't explain any further. Instead, he wrapped his strong hands around her waist and flipped her across his lap. And then, much to her horror, he began to spank her.
"Wait! What are you doing?!" she cried out, kicking her legs and squirming desperately. She had expected some more great conversation, or perhaps some kissing or something - not a spanking. "Stop!"
"Why should I stop, Ellie? Apparently you don't know how to. That's how you got us in that accident today," he told her, delivering several sharp smacks to her bottom. "You need to be taught a lesson, young lady. And I intend to teach it to you!"
She shrieked and attempted to cover her stinging bottom with her hands, but to no avail. He simply pinned her arms behind her back and continued to spank. "The more you struggle, the harder it's going to be," he warned her. "This can be easy or it can be hard. It's up to you."
SMACK! SMACK! "Now, you MUST" SMACK! SMACK! "Be more careful" SMACK! "When you are driving!" SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "If you don't" SMACK! "You may find yourself" SMACK! SMACK! "In this position" SMACK! SMACK! "Again!" SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
"Who says I'll let you put me in this position again?" she demanded, suddenly feisty and filled with rage at his presumptuousness.
"We may not know each other all that well yet," he began, "but I think I know you well enough now to say that you'll be back. Because this is what you need in your life, Ellie - some discipline." He yanked down her skirt and her sheer pink panties to reveal a rapidly reddening bottom. She squealed in protest. "And it appears as though you are getting some." He released a rain of fiery spanks on her bare cheeks.
"Ow! Ouch!" she shrieked, tears streaming down her cheeks. She clenched her bottom together, attempting to lessen the pain.
"Clenching your bottom is not acceptable," Victor told her matter-of-factly. "I suggest you stop right now." He continued spanking, one cheek after the other, showing no signs of relenting.
She couldn't help it. The pain was too much. Although she tried to stop squirming and clenching, it was too hard. She found her cheeks pressed tightly together again soon enough. Victor stopped spanking.
"Go into the kitchen, young lady, and find the wooden spoon on the counter. Clearly, this punishment is not sufficient enough," he commanded, pointing to the kitchen.
"No! Oh, please no!" she pleaded with him. His hand hurt too much already.
"If you would prefer, I have a ginger root in the fridge," he said coldly. "I can peel it and insert it into your bottom to stop the clenching, if you would rather." At that, she flew to the kitchen to retrieve the spoon. Her panties were around her ankles, and she waddled as quickly as she could back to Victor. His expression was approving.
"Good," he said, standing up. "Now, bend over the arm of the couch please. I want your bottom arched in the air as high as you can. On your toes, with your legs spread. If you don't keep your back arched, I will give you extra swats. A car accident is not something to be taken lightly."
She knew that she could get up and leave at any time - how could he stop her? But, for some reason, she didn't consider it. She knew she had earned this punishment, and she knew that if she ever wanted to see Victor again, she would have to accept it. After a deep inhalation, she positioned herself as per his instructions.
"Good girl," he praised her, assuming his own position to punish her poor bottom. He tapped the spoon against his hand. "These are going to be hard, and they're going to hurt. But I expect you to take all of them, and I won't tolerate any disobedience. Understood?"
She nodded. "Yes," she said tearfully. A sharp swat was promptly delivered to her left butt cheek.
"That is yes SIR to you!" he instructed.
"Yes, sir!" she cried out obediently. He peppered her bottom with more sharp spanks. The spoon stung and her bottom was on fire.
"Keep arching!" he told her. "That butt is not arched enough!" She struggled to push her bottom higher as he delivered more spanks. "On your TOES, Ellie! Legs spread! If you can't hold that position, I'll put you in diaper position and give you the belt!" This persuaded her. She wondered if he was serious and decided not to test it. She miraculously maintained her position for the rest of the spanking, until she was limp and sobbing over the arm of the couch. She heard him set down the spoon and come around to her. He planted a gentle kiss on top of her head and rubbed her back slowly. "I know that that was hard," he told her. "But I'm very proud that you took it as well as you did. I'm guessing you've never been spanked before, and I think that that sent across a very clear message." She nodded, unable to speak because of the sobs choking her throat. He pulled her into his lap, and she shuddered at the brush of her sore, hot bottom against his jeans. She cradled her head into his neck and felt strangely content.
"Thank you," she whispered.
"I know it hasn't been much time," he said, "but Ellie, there's just something about you. I feel something for you. I want to know if you'll think about being my girl."
"I don't have to think about it," she answered him quickly. "I will."
He beamed from head to toe. "Do you understand that I will spank you for your infractions?" he asked her. "Because that will be a big part of our relationship, Ellie, and I want to make sure that you understand."
She looked at him with her big brown eyes and managed to smile. "I understand," she said sincerely. "I trust that you'll do what's best for me."
He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, placing her carefully on his neatly made bed and planting a kiss on her lips. "Oh, I promise I will," he said to her softly, rolling on top of her and proceeding to have the best lovemaking experience either of them had ever had.
Ellie was a good driver. Really, she was. She had been driving for years. The driving instructor she'd had at age sixteen had told her that she was a natural. Or at least this was what she tried to convince herself as she sat in the driver's seat with the air bag exploded in her face and a searing pang of dread creeping up her spine.
It had been a rough day. Everything had gone wrong. It had started at the coffee shop when they had completely messed up her caramel spice latte. She had taken one sip and her tastebuds had immediately cried out in protest. But, because she was running late and had no time to order another drink, she tried to gag it down simply for the caffeine fix. Then, after being stopped by a train for a full twenty minutes, she flew into work in a panic. While running down the rows of office cubicles, she failed to look where she was going and the remaining half cup of coffee ended up splashing all over her boss' shirt when they collided. His angry glare denied any hope of the promotion that she had been praying for. She had offered to pay for the dry cleaning, but he had simply ushered her away with a wave of annoyance. The rest of the day had simply gone downhill. The copier had jammed, she got a call from the credit card company to inform her that her payment was late, her computer had shut off in the middle of typing an important and lengthy document, and she had accidentally forwarded the email about the bra sale to Mike in the Finance Department instead of her best friend Natalie.
So, by the time five o' clock rolled around, Ellie's bag was packed and thoughts of her evening floated in her mind. Maybe she'd buy a Cosmo magazine and a tub of chocolate ice cream to eat, and perhaps she'd rent a teary romantic chick flick to watch alone. All of these things had been her saving grace three months ago when her boyfriend of two years had broken up with her, and she felt pathetic at the prospect of doing it all again. She trudged out of the office building feeling dejected.
Maybe it was her eagerness to get home to her comfy bed and pyjamas, or maybe it was a rush of anger at how her day had unfolded. She pondered this and then realized that it didn't really matter - she had hit the other car regardless of the reason. She had paid no attention to the stop sign ahead and had blown right through it. She sat dumbfounded in the driver's seat, knowing that she should get out and talk to the person she had hit, but not having the strength or the energy to do it. Luckily, he came to her.
"Are you all right?!" a deep voice asked frantically.
Ellie looked up, and was astonished by the man who stood there. He was only a little older than her, with wavy chestnut hair and piercing frosted green eyes that were filled with concern. She felt ashamed that she had been the one to cause the accident, and yet he was the one who was so worried about her. She took a deep breath.
"I-I'm okay," she managed. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, I am," he told her, "but my car's not." His voice hardened suddenly. "What the hell were you thinking? Or were you even thinking at all? How could you have missed that stop sign?"
She opened the door and climbed slowly out of the car. One of her headlights was smashed, not to mention the completely dented state of her front bumper. She surveyed his car and noticed that the damage was equally bad. She cringed at the thought of her insurance rates soaring. "I've had a horrible day," she told him. "You're right...I just wasn't thinking. I feel absolutely terrible. Of course I'll pay for all of the damage, you don't need to worry about that--"
"That won't be necessary," he cut her off. "I don't want you to pay for anything. But I do want you to agree to something."
She bobbed her head up and down. "Anything, anything at all!"
"Go to dinner with me." She scanned his face for any indication that he was joking, but the firm line of his lips and his steady gaze suggested that he wasn't. "There's a great Italian place down the street. Since we don't have any cars--" She blushed like a tomato. "--we can walk."
"Of course I'll go with you," she breathed. "But are you sure you don't want me to cover the costs of the accident?"
"I've already explained this to you," he said. "You are going to dinner with me and that's the deal." Something in his voice made her realize how serious he was. She nodded in silence.
A police car pulled up just then, and an officer clambered out to speak with them. The man explained the details of the accident while Ellie held her head down in shame beside him.
"Well, sir, I'd suggest that you contact your insurance company and have this young lady do the same immediately and begin to arrange for the costs of the damage to be covered," the officer said.
"Oh, that's quite all right," the man responded easily. "We have already worked out a deal between us. But thank you."
The officer raised an eyebrow. "You don't want her to pay for the damage that she caused?" he said quizzically, jerking a thumb in Ellie's direction. "By the sounds of it, this accident was her fault. Don't you want to hold her accountable?"
"Thank you, Officer," the man said again, "but that won't be necessary."
The officer appeared confused, but shook his head in disbelief and walked away. By the time the tow trucks had arrived and everything had been settled, nearly two hours had passed. Ellie and the man walked down to the restaurant and were seated in a booth near the window.
"I'm Victor, by the way," he told her as they studied their menus. She looked up from reading the description of a scallop pasta dish and smiled.
"I'm Ellie. Nice to meet you," she said, and she meant it. "Although I apologize again for the way that we met."
"Oh, don't worry about that," he said casually. "That will all be taken care of later."
A flurry of anxiety fluttered in her stomach. "But I thought...? You said...? You said this was the deal!" Ellie cried.
He looked up at her, one eyebrow raised. "You'll see what I mean. Let's leave it at that."
So she did. She was reluctant, but she managed to avoid the topic. They had a lovely dinner, complete with a bottle of wine and great conversation. She found out that he was studying to become a doctor, and that he was single and newly moved to their town. They talked for hours, and by the end of the meal she felt as if she had known him forever. Despite the fact that she had caused the accident earlier, he insisted on paying the bill. The sky was dark and sprinkled with stars by the time they emerged, and her spirits had lifted greatly. This beat Cosmo and chick flicks one hundred percent.
"My apartment isn't far from here," Victor suggested. "We could walk there if you like." She normally would have felt apprehensive about going to someone's apartment who she had just met. But with this man, something was different. She found herself agreeing instantly. The night air was crisp and cool and it took them only fifteen minutes to make their way to his apartment building. After a short elevator ride, they were there.
It was small, but cozy. He was obviously a world traveller, as everything seemed to be adorned with souvenirs from other countries. The clock in his kitchen was from Holland; the calendar on his wall from China; the woven rug in his living room from Kenya. The air smelled slightly of minty cologne and she felt strangely at home. He went over and sat on the couch and beckoned for her to join him.
"Earlier today, you could have killed both of us with your carelessness," he began slowly. "And after talking to you for the past few hours, I think you're a great girl, Ellie." He smiled. "So I don't think that careless accidents are a regular thing for you, and I hope that they're not. But I also think that these things can't go without consequence." A look of complete confusion had taken over her face. He didn't explain any further. Instead, he wrapped his strong hands around her waist and flipped her across his lap. And then, much to her horror, he began to spank her.
"Wait! What are you doing?!" she cried out, kicking her legs and squirming desperately. She had expected some more great conversation, or perhaps some kissing or something - not a spanking. "Stop!"
"Why should I stop, Ellie? Apparently you don't know how to. That's how you got us in that accident today," he told her, delivering several sharp smacks to her bottom. "You need to be taught a lesson, young lady. And I intend to teach it to you!"
She shrieked and attempted to cover her stinging bottom with her hands, but to no avail. He simply pinned her arms behind her back and continued to spank. "The more you struggle, the harder it's going to be," he warned her. "This can be easy or it can be hard. It's up to you."
SMACK! SMACK! "Now, you MUST" SMACK! SMACK! "Be more careful" SMACK! "When you are driving!" SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "If you don't" SMACK! "You may find yourself" SMACK! SMACK! "In this position" SMACK! SMACK! "Again!" SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
"Who says I'll let you put me in this position again?" she demanded, suddenly feisty and filled with rage at his presumptuousness.
"We may not know each other all that well yet," he began, "but I think I know you well enough now to say that you'll be back. Because this is what you need in your life, Ellie - some discipline." He yanked down her skirt and her sheer pink panties to reveal a rapidly reddening bottom. She squealed in protest. "And it appears as though you are getting some." He released a rain of fiery spanks on her bare cheeks.
"Ow! Ouch!" she shrieked, tears streaming down her cheeks. She clenched her bottom together, attempting to lessen the pain.
"Clenching your bottom is not acceptable," Victor told her matter-of-factly. "I suggest you stop right now." He continued spanking, one cheek after the other, showing no signs of relenting.
She couldn't help it. The pain was too much. Although she tried to stop squirming and clenching, it was too hard. She found her cheeks pressed tightly together again soon enough. Victor stopped spanking.
"Go into the kitchen, young lady, and find the wooden spoon on the counter. Clearly, this punishment is not sufficient enough," he commanded, pointing to the kitchen.
"No! Oh, please no!" she pleaded with him. His hand hurt too much already.
"If you would prefer, I have a ginger root in the fridge," he said coldly. "I can peel it and insert it into your bottom to stop the clenching, if you would rather." At that, she flew to the kitchen to retrieve the spoon. Her panties were around her ankles, and she waddled as quickly as she could back to Victor. His expression was approving.
"Good," he said, standing up. "Now, bend over the arm of the couch please. I want your bottom arched in the air as high as you can. On your toes, with your legs spread. If you don't keep your back arched, I will give you extra swats. A car accident is not something to be taken lightly."
She knew that she could get up and leave at any time - how could he stop her? But, for some reason, she didn't consider it. She knew she had earned this punishment, and she knew that if she ever wanted to see Victor again, she would have to accept it. After a deep inhalation, she positioned herself as per his instructions.
"Good girl," he praised her, assuming his own position to punish her poor bottom. He tapped the spoon against his hand. "These are going to be hard, and they're going to hurt. But I expect you to take all of them, and I won't tolerate any disobedience. Understood?"
She nodded. "Yes," she said tearfully. A sharp swat was promptly delivered to her left butt cheek.
"That is yes SIR to you!" he instructed.
"Yes, sir!" she cried out obediently. He peppered her bottom with more sharp spanks. The spoon stung and her bottom was on fire.
"Keep arching!" he told her. "That butt is not arched enough!" She struggled to push her bottom higher as he delivered more spanks. "On your TOES, Ellie! Legs spread! If you can't hold that position, I'll put you in diaper position and give you the belt!" This persuaded her. She wondered if he was serious and decided not to test it. She miraculously maintained her position for the rest of the spanking, until she was limp and sobbing over the arm of the couch. She heard him set down the spoon and come around to her. He planted a gentle kiss on top of her head and rubbed her back slowly. "I know that that was hard," he told her. "But I'm very proud that you took it as well as you did. I'm guessing you've never been spanked before, and I think that that sent across a very clear message." She nodded, unable to speak because of the sobs choking her throat. He pulled her into his lap, and she shuddered at the brush of her sore, hot bottom against his jeans. She cradled her head into his neck and felt strangely content.
"Thank you," she whispered.
"I know it hasn't been much time," he said, "but Ellie, there's just something about you. I feel something for you. I want to know if you'll think about being my girl."
"I don't have to think about it," she answered him quickly. "I will."
He beamed from head to toe. "Do you understand that I will spank you for your infractions?" he asked her. "Because that will be a big part of our relationship, Ellie, and I want to make sure that you understand."
She looked at him with her big brown eyes and managed to smile. "I understand," she said sincerely. "I trust that you'll do what's best for me."
He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, placing her carefully on his neatly made bed and planting a kiss on her lips. "Oh, I promise I will," he said to her softly, rolling on top of her and proceeding to have the best lovemaking experience either of them had ever had.
* * *
Twenty years later, on their anniversary, they recounted the events that had led to their meeting. It was a Sunday morning, the kids were out, and they were cosily cuddling in bed. Over the years, Ellie had been spanked countless times. It hadn't always been easy, but it had done wonders for their relationship. They reflected on this too.
"I guess I've always been a bit of a troublemaker," she remarked, somewhat sheepishly.
"Yes, you have," he agreed, giving her bottom a firm smack under the covers. "But I guess if you weren't one, then I would never have met you at all!"
Monday, 8 August 2011
Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig
Well, we're home! It was a great trip and a real learning experience. It is really eye opening to see into the lives of underprivileged people. Growing up, I always had food in my stomach and a roof over my head. My parents were married, they weren't into drugs, and the only gang activity I ever witnessed was in movies. So, to be in an environment where drug and alcohol addictions and domestic violence are common was definitely different. I have always been sheltered, and when living a sheltered life, it is easy to forget that there are those who are not so fortunate. Working with the families and children in the struggling neighbourhood that we visited, and hearing their stories, was something I will never forget. Of course, it wasn't all work and no play - we did have some time to engage in recreational activities, and those were fun too. But it is the difference that we made in the lives of those people that really sticks out in my mind.
Spanking-wise, there wasn't much action. Sleeping arrangements for the trip, which involved sharing rooms either with or very close to others, didn't provide much privacy. Then there was the night where we slept in a teepee (yes, a teepee!) and those aren't exactly soundproof. We were learning about First Nations culture, which was really interesting, and quite frankly baring my butt to the nippy night air and constant swarms of mosquitoes just wasn't all that tempting anyway! The fact that Leo and I were there together on a faith-based mission with our church to help make a difference was already enough to help us feel very close. But, as I have mentioned before, I am not a morning person...and all of those early mornings, along with 3 day bus rides, did make a little bit of a grouch out of me at times. I have a feeling that a spanking may be in due course!
I will do my best to post soon. For now, I had better get unpacked and into bed - thankfully, it's not an early morning tomorrow!
Spanking-wise, there wasn't much action. Sleeping arrangements for the trip, which involved sharing rooms either with or very close to others, didn't provide much privacy. Then there was the night where we slept in a teepee (yes, a teepee!) and those aren't exactly soundproof. We were learning about First Nations culture, which was really interesting, and quite frankly baring my butt to the nippy night air and constant swarms of mosquitoes just wasn't all that tempting anyway! The fact that Leo and I were there together on a faith-based mission with our church to help make a difference was already enough to help us feel very close. But, as I have mentioned before, I am not a morning person...and all of those early mornings, along with 3 day bus rides, did make a little bit of a grouch out of me at times. I have a feeling that a spanking may be in due course!
I will do my best to post soon. For now, I had better get unpacked and into bed - thankfully, it's not an early morning tomorrow!
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Ciao For Now
Two posts in four days?! Holy cow! This is record setting for little ol' Isla. Hmm...I really don't know why I just called myself that. But, it looks kind of funny, so I think I'll keep it that way!
I know I sound a little crazy, and I promise I'm not (at least I don't think I am). I'm just in a good mood! Why, you ask? Well, for a couple of reasons. The first being...I GOT A SPANKING! It wasn't really a punishment spanking - more on the playful side - but that's okay because any spanking action is good. Plus, I'd be lying if I said Leo's smacks didn't pack a sting. My bottom was definitely red and sore, and while I was pondering it, I never ended up having a discussion with him! That doesn't mean that I don't think we need to have one, because I still think that we do. I would like to lay down some ground rules and really reiterate my need for this kind of lifestyle. What I'm getting at, however, is that it was nice that Leo spanked me without me needing to prompt him. It showed me that he hadn't forgotten about spanking, and that really meant a lot to me. Plus, what happened after wasn't so bad either!! ;)
I know that there will be more dry spells like the one we just experienced, and times where spanking just isn't working. That's why I want to go on the advice of some of my readers and try other punishment options, like line writing or corner time. I think that Leo might not be so hesitant with those, and they might help him to feel a little more comfortable in his role as HOH. Once he gains that comfort, he will (I'm hoping) be a lot more confident with spanking. He's already caught on to the whole spanking thing more quickly than I expected, and I know that in my previous posts I've sounded a little whiny when I complain that he isn't quite where I'd like him to be. I'm not the most patient person, but I'm learning that patience goes a long way when trying to develop a DD marriage. I'm still trying to figure out what I would like to say to Leo when I begin our discussion. I am sure that it will all go smoothly, but it's nerve wracking to think about right now. Maybe I will send him an email, and then he can commence the conversation? Hmm. Food for thought, I suppose.
The other reason I'm so cheerful today is because Leo and I are going away! And no, not to a cottage this time. This time we are heading out to Manitoba. We are going on a volunteer mission with our church to work with inner city kids. It's going to be a very enlightening trip, I think. We will be making a difference, getting away from home for a little while, and experiencing something new and different. We leave on Friday, and return August 7. I would have posted tomorrow, but being the procrastinator that I am, I will have lots of last minute preparations to throw together. I'm afraid that we won't have any Internet access while we are there, so that means no posts! Hopefully, though, I will have lots of stories to share upon our arrival back home. Hey, at least this time I have an actual excuse for not posting!
So, I guess this is goodbye for a little while, fellow spankos! I hope everything is going well for everyone, and I will post as soon as I get home! :)
I know I sound a little crazy, and I promise I'm not (at least I don't think I am). I'm just in a good mood! Why, you ask? Well, for a couple of reasons. The first being...I GOT A SPANKING! It wasn't really a punishment spanking - more on the playful side - but that's okay because any spanking action is good. Plus, I'd be lying if I said Leo's smacks didn't pack a sting. My bottom was definitely red and sore, and while I was pondering it, I never ended up having a discussion with him! That doesn't mean that I don't think we need to have one, because I still think that we do. I would like to lay down some ground rules and really reiterate my need for this kind of lifestyle. What I'm getting at, however, is that it was nice that Leo spanked me without me needing to prompt him. It showed me that he hadn't forgotten about spanking, and that really meant a lot to me. Plus, what happened after wasn't so bad either!! ;)
I know that there will be more dry spells like the one we just experienced, and times where spanking just isn't working. That's why I want to go on the advice of some of my readers and try other punishment options, like line writing or corner time. I think that Leo might not be so hesitant with those, and they might help him to feel a little more comfortable in his role as HOH. Once he gains that comfort, he will (I'm hoping) be a lot more confident with spanking. He's already caught on to the whole spanking thing more quickly than I expected, and I know that in my previous posts I've sounded a little whiny when I complain that he isn't quite where I'd like him to be. I'm not the most patient person, but I'm learning that patience goes a long way when trying to develop a DD marriage. I'm still trying to figure out what I would like to say to Leo when I begin our discussion. I am sure that it will all go smoothly, but it's nerve wracking to think about right now. Maybe I will send him an email, and then he can commence the conversation? Hmm. Food for thought, I suppose.
The other reason I'm so cheerful today is because Leo and I are going away! And no, not to a cottage this time. This time we are heading out to Manitoba. We are going on a volunteer mission with our church to work with inner city kids. It's going to be a very enlightening trip, I think. We will be making a difference, getting away from home for a little while, and experiencing something new and different. We leave on Friday, and return August 7. I would have posted tomorrow, but being the procrastinator that I am, I will have lots of last minute preparations to throw together. I'm afraid that we won't have any Internet access while we are there, so that means no posts! Hopefully, though, I will have lots of stories to share upon our arrival back home. Hey, at least this time I have an actual excuse for not posting!
So, I guess this is goodbye for a little while, fellow spankos! I hope everything is going well for everyone, and I will post as soon as I get home! :)
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Where, Oh Where, Has DD Gone?
DD has been a little frustrating for me lately. There hasn't really been any talk of spanking, although there have been many occasions where I think I definitely deserved one. I have been very bratty and I have spoken sharply and to be honest, quite rudely to Leo at times. I never feel good about this. When I don't even get reprimanded at all for my behaviour, I feel very guilty. Leo responds to my brattiness by being short-tempered as well, which hasn't led to any arguments but has left us feeling temporarily cold toward each other. Leo does really well with rules, because then there's no questioning about whether or not he has to spank me. The bedtime rule, which is the only concrete rule we ever really had, was a great example. In the summer, however, we've let that rule slide. We're both still working, but with vacations and everything added to the mix, it's hard to have the familiar routine that we develop during the rest of the year. I am also not very good at asking for spankings. I have this fantasy in my head of a man who will, without fail or hesitation, spank me when I deserve it. I know that this is an unfair expectation for Leo, because we are still working at this, and neither of us is perfect. I understand that this type of relationship will always be a work in progress. But in dry spells like this, it's just so hard to accept it!
I always knew that I had a kink for spanking. There is a sexual aspect to it. But growing up, I could always be a bit bossy and sharp-tongued with my boyfriends. I knew that that wasn't an acceptable way to be, and I didn't want to be that way. When I heard about DD for the first time, I knew that it was the type of relationship that I needed. I needed a man who would challenge me; who would say when enough was enough, and help to solve the problem. DD was a way for problems in a relationship to be fixed without resorting to anger and fighting. When I have bratty bouts like this, it reminds me why I wanted to have a DD marriage in the first place. When I don't receive the spankings, or any form of discipline at all, I feel like the whole thing isn't working.
But, Leo and I being the crazy cottagers we are, we went to a friend's cottage this past weekend. I have realized that it's very important to acknowledge and appreciate the little moments in life, or else your life will simply blow by you. Watching the sunset, or feeling the rush of wind on the boat, or enjoying the warm sun on the beach helped me to realize how blessed I really am. I have a wonderful marriage and a wonderful husband, and my life is very fulfilled. I am very loved, and I have lots of love to give. And I sound very sappy, but after this weekend, I was not so worried about DD. I know that with time and patience, it will continue to develop and grow. I can't dwell on all of the little bumps in the road. At some point, I am sure Leo and I will have a good discussion and figure everything out. After a long heat wave, we finally got rain today. I think, and I hope, that Leo and I will share a similar experience in the near future.
I always knew that I had a kink for spanking. There is a sexual aspect to it. But growing up, I could always be a bit bossy and sharp-tongued with my boyfriends. I knew that that wasn't an acceptable way to be, and I didn't want to be that way. When I heard about DD for the first time, I knew that it was the type of relationship that I needed. I needed a man who would challenge me; who would say when enough was enough, and help to solve the problem. DD was a way for problems in a relationship to be fixed without resorting to anger and fighting. When I have bratty bouts like this, it reminds me why I wanted to have a DD marriage in the first place. When I don't receive the spankings, or any form of discipline at all, I feel like the whole thing isn't working.
But, Leo and I being the crazy cottagers we are, we went to a friend's cottage this past weekend. I have realized that it's very important to acknowledge and appreciate the little moments in life, or else your life will simply blow by you. Watching the sunset, or feeling the rush of wind on the boat, or enjoying the warm sun on the beach helped me to realize how blessed I really am. I have a wonderful marriage and a wonderful husband, and my life is very fulfilled. I am very loved, and I have lots of love to give. And I sound very sappy, but after this weekend, I was not so worried about DD. I know that with time and patience, it will continue to develop and grow. I can't dwell on all of the little bumps in the road. At some point, I am sure Leo and I will have a good discussion and figure everything out. After a long heat wave, we finally got rain today. I think, and I hope, that Leo and I will share a similar experience in the near future.
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Well, if there's anything I'm good at, it's getting into trouble. I know, I know, what have I done this time? Well, when backing out of a friend's driveway today, I scraped their neighbour's car that was parked along the curb. I mean, it's a pretty common mistake I guess...people accidentally rear end and dent and scrape other cars all the time. Despite that, I still didn't (and don't) feel any better. Our car is a dark gray, and the car I scraped was white, thus making the scratch very obvious. Our car got damaged more than the other car, which in a way I am thankful for. I left a note on the windshield with my phone number, and now I'm just waiting for a call. Leo was not impressed, to say the least. He threatened me with a spanking, but I was just in this strange mood where being spanked sounded like the last thing I needed or wanted. I was already feeling guilty and upset for my mistake, which was a complete accident, but was also avoidable if I had been more careful. I ignored him for awhile after his threat, which also left me feeling guilty.
We had a similar scenario last week. I was given the pending spanking that I had posted about in my last post, but I just couldn't take it. I don't have a high pain tolerance anyway, but for some reason it was just unbearable, even though he was only using his hand. I didn't even want to try to accept my punishment. Leo knew this, and he stopped the spanking. Just like that. Part of me was relieved that he stopped, but part of me was frustrated that he just gave up. And, other than the threat earlier tonight, we haven't even really spoken about spanking since. I know that I am sending mixed messages when I express a need to be spanked and then become hostile and frustrated when he tries to spank me. I am always remarking on how this lifestyle isn't easy. I guess times like this are just proof.
If there's anything I could use a good spanking for, it would be to start posting more! It's been over a week since my last post - shameful, really. After my 'incident' earlier, my friend and I went to the movies and saw Harry Potter. I'm not a diehard Harry Potter fan; I read the books and thought it was a good story, but you'll definitely never catch me at opening night wearing a wizard cape. I must admit, though, the movie really was excellent! If you're considering seeing it, I recommend that you do.
Other than that, I don't think that there's much else for me to report! What's going on with all of you other spankos? :)
We had a similar scenario last week. I was given the pending spanking that I had posted about in my last post, but I just couldn't take it. I don't have a high pain tolerance anyway, but for some reason it was just unbearable, even though he was only using his hand. I didn't even want to try to accept my punishment. Leo knew this, and he stopped the spanking. Just like that. Part of me was relieved that he stopped, but part of me was frustrated that he just gave up. And, other than the threat earlier tonight, we haven't even really spoken about spanking since. I know that I am sending mixed messages when I express a need to be spanked and then become hostile and frustrated when he tries to spank me. I am always remarking on how this lifestyle isn't easy. I guess times like this are just proof.
If there's anything I could use a good spanking for, it would be to start posting more! It's been over a week since my last post - shameful, really. After my 'incident' earlier, my friend and I went to the movies and saw Harry Potter. I'm not a diehard Harry Potter fan; I read the books and thought it was a good story, but you'll definitely never catch me at opening night wearing a wizard cape. I must admit, though, the movie really was excellent! If you're considering seeing it, I recommend that you do.
Other than that, I don't think that there's much else for me to report! What's going on with all of you other spankos? :)
Sunday, 10 July 2011
So Many Spankings...
We're back from another weekend at the cottage! Well, my parents' cottage. It's the one that we went to on the long weekend in May. We left on Thursday, and came home a couple of hours ago. It's always so nice to get away. It's a six hour drive to get there, which is pretty long and tiring - but it's worth it! We stayed busy all weekend. My parents have a speedboat, and they enjoy taking their braver guests tubing. Leo has the time of his life, but I just fear for mine! Getting thrown in the air while bouncing over waves on an inflated tube just makes me nervous. We also went to the beach, had a barbecue, swam, went canoeing and fished. Fishing was an experience. Leo insisted that just the two of us go, despite the fact that he has no clue how to take a fish off a hook. Sure enough, I caught one, reeled it in, and he panicked. I'm not much of a fisher myself - I like catching them and reeling them in, but I refuse to bait the hook or remove the fish once I catch it. I'm too squeamish! It took Leo ten minutes just to get the hook out of the fish's lip and set it free. After the next few fish, he got the hang of it. My butt's also sore, but not from the way you're thinking. We went on a long bike ride, and I haven't been on a bike in so long! Even though we went two days ago, I'm still feeling it.
But don't worry, we didn't skimp on the spanking. Of course, it's not exactly easy to get spanked in a small cottage with your parents around. They went grocery shopping in town one day though, and Leo wasted no time putting me over his knee for a quick spanking. There wasn't really any reason for it - just a "I'm the boss and don't you forget it" kind of spanking. This spanking came after the one he gave me in the woods. the woods. We had gone on a hike, and were on the way back from our picnic lunch. I got a little bratty, and he happened to spot a stick lying on the ground. "Pull your shorts down," he commanded me. "Here? No way!" I responded. I was horrified by the thought that someone might come along and see my bare butt being spanked. "No one's going to come," he told me. "Just take down your shorts and bend over in front of me. The sooner you do it, the sooner we can get this over with." I realized that I didn't really have a way out, and where was I going to escape to in the woods? So I quickly obeyed him, my face the colour of a tomato. He gave me a good 30 some odd swats with that stick, and they HURT! Sure enough, nobody came along (although I was frightened by every little noise). The fact that someone could have, though, left me feeling very embarrassed and exposed. I didn't have a chance to check the condition of my butt before I hastily yanked my shorts back up, but I looked at it in the bathroom mirror when we returned to the cottage and found that I had some bright pink welts. I think that's the last time I'll be crossing him in the great outdoors!
He also promised me a pretty hard spanking in the near future, for being a little whiny one night. It sounds like I might get the belt for some of it, and he really wants to try this Icy Hot thing. Needless to say, it doesn't look like my butt is going to have much time to recuperate!
Anyway, enough about me. What is going on with all of you?
But don't worry, we didn't skimp on the spanking. Of course, it's not exactly easy to get spanked in a small cottage with your parents around. They went grocery shopping in town one day though, and Leo wasted no time putting me over his knee for a quick spanking. There wasn't really any reason for it - just a "I'm the boss and don't you forget it" kind of spanking. This spanking came after the one he gave me in the woods. the woods. We had gone on a hike, and were on the way back from our picnic lunch. I got a little bratty, and he happened to spot a stick lying on the ground. "Pull your shorts down," he commanded me. "Here? No way!" I responded. I was horrified by the thought that someone might come along and see my bare butt being spanked. "No one's going to come," he told me. "Just take down your shorts and bend over in front of me. The sooner you do it, the sooner we can get this over with." I realized that I didn't really have a way out, and where was I going to escape to in the woods? So I quickly obeyed him, my face the colour of a tomato. He gave me a good 30 some odd swats with that stick, and they HURT! Sure enough, nobody came along (although I was frightened by every little noise). The fact that someone could have, though, left me feeling very embarrassed and exposed. I didn't have a chance to check the condition of my butt before I hastily yanked my shorts back up, but I looked at it in the bathroom mirror when we returned to the cottage and found that I had some bright pink welts. I think that's the last time I'll be crossing him in the great outdoors!
He also promised me a pretty hard spanking in the near future, for being a little whiny one night. It sounds like I might get the belt for some of it, and he really wants to try this Icy Hot thing. Needless to say, it doesn't look like my butt is going to have much time to recuperate!
Anyway, enough about me. What is going on with all of you?
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Happy Canada Day!
Wow! It's already been a week since my last post! When I first started this blog, I expected to post every couple of days or so. I was pretty successful at first, but now here I am a week later. Crazy!
So, as you can see by the title of this post, it's Canada Day today! (Actually, I'm posting after midnight, so I guess technically it's not really Canada Day anymore). I'm not sure if I have any Canadian readers or followers, but I know that all of you Americans are probably gearing up for Independence Day on Monday. While I have never been in the States on July 4th, I know people who have, and they have said that the festivities can be wild! I would like to go sometime. Leo and I had a pretty quiet holiday. We drove to a beach about half an hour away from our home to get some dinner, and then watched the fireworks in a nearby park. It was nice to just relax for a day and spend some time with each other. And, surprise surprise, I was informed that I will be receiving a spanking soon. Nothing major, just a little reminder to keep my attitude in check. Maybe it would have been fitting if I had received the spanking today - I could have shown how patriotic I am by showing off a red bottom!
Earlier this week, I (foolishly) told Leo about how I had heard of couples who have used IcyHot on the spankee's bottom to increase the intensity of the spanking. Because Leo is fairly new to spanking, I didn't think that he would feel adventurous enough to actually consider what I was saying. I was wrong. He has now decided that we need to get some IcyHot cream to use for a spanking. I'm not sure if he will use it in a disciplinary or playful scenario, but I'm assuming he will probably use it during a more playful spanking just to see how it actually works. I'm pretty nervous about it. Has anyone ever used IcyHot during a spanking, or something similar (like capsaicin cream, maybe)?
As we were sitting in the crowded park and waiting for the fireworks to start earlier tonight, I surveyed all of the couples in the area and wondered what little secrets they share. I wondered if anyone else had a DD relationship, or incorporated spanking into their lives somehow. How many spankos have I potentially passed on the street? Leo and I are very private about DD with our family and friends. None of them know about our lifestyle, and we aren't planning on sharing any information about it with them any time soon. I don't think that a lot of vanillas would be able to understand why we have chosen this path. If Leo and I did happen to know another DD couple personally, then we would probably be more open about discussing it with them. But, just like a sex life is supposed to be private, we keep this aspect of our lives private too. This got me thinking. Do any of you guys talk about your lifestyle or interest in spanking with others outside of your relationship? Have any couples who have a DD marriage told family/friends about it? If so, how did they respond? I'm curious! Feel free to comment and let me know!
So, as you can see by the title of this post, it's Canada Day today! (Actually, I'm posting after midnight, so I guess technically it's not really Canada Day anymore). I'm not sure if I have any Canadian readers or followers, but I know that all of you Americans are probably gearing up for Independence Day on Monday. While I have never been in the States on July 4th, I know people who have, and they have said that the festivities can be wild! I would like to go sometime. Leo and I had a pretty quiet holiday. We drove to a beach about half an hour away from our home to get some dinner, and then watched the fireworks in a nearby park. It was nice to just relax for a day and spend some time with each other. And, surprise surprise, I was informed that I will be receiving a spanking soon. Nothing major, just a little reminder to keep my attitude in check. Maybe it would have been fitting if I had received the spanking today - I could have shown how patriotic I am by showing off a red bottom!
Earlier this week, I (foolishly) told Leo about how I had heard of couples who have used IcyHot on the spankee's bottom to increase the intensity of the spanking. Because Leo is fairly new to spanking, I didn't think that he would feel adventurous enough to actually consider what I was saying. I was wrong. He has now decided that we need to get some IcyHot cream to use for a spanking. I'm not sure if he will use it in a disciplinary or playful scenario, but I'm assuming he will probably use it during a more playful spanking just to see how it actually works. I'm pretty nervous about it. Has anyone ever used IcyHot during a spanking, or something similar (like capsaicin cream, maybe)?
As we were sitting in the crowded park and waiting for the fireworks to start earlier tonight, I surveyed all of the couples in the area and wondered what little secrets they share. I wondered if anyone else had a DD relationship, or incorporated spanking into their lives somehow. How many spankos have I potentially passed on the street? Leo and I are very private about DD with our family and friends. None of them know about our lifestyle, and we aren't planning on sharing any information about it with them any time soon. I don't think that a lot of vanillas would be able to understand why we have chosen this path. If Leo and I did happen to know another DD couple personally, then we would probably be more open about discussing it with them. But, just like a sex life is supposed to be private, we keep this aspect of our lives private too. This got me thinking. Do any of you guys talk about your lifestyle or interest in spanking with others outside of your relationship? Have any couples who have a DD marriage told family/friends about it? If so, how did they respond? I'm curious! Feel free to comment and let me know!
Saturday, 25 June 2011
It's just been one of those days. I know, I know...I seem to have a lot of "those days". I don't know what it is lately! I've just been stressed, and tired, and out of sorts. Usually, I'm a lot more bubbly, especially around this time of year. I think the constant rain and thunderstorms we've been having haven't made it feel a lot like June. I need some sun!
So anyway, Leo and I have a wedding to attend tomorrow and I decided to go search for a dress to wear today. I found a store that's usually super expensive, but there was a sale! Needless to say, I was pretty happy because that store hardly ever has sales. Their idea of a Boxing Day discount is $3.00 off, which is hardly anything considering their prices are so high to begin with. So, I went in and tried on a few dresses and found one I liked. Then I figured that I'd been working hard lately and deserved a reward, so I found a few other items. The grand total was $300.00 (yikes!) and I headed down to the food court afterward to grab some dinner. After dinner, I went on an unsuccessful search for shoes for about an hour and got in the car to go home. That's when I realized I didn't have my bag of clothes.
I remembered that I'd left the bag under the table while I'd been eating my dinner. I ran back inside, but of course the bag was gone. I asked everyone - guest services, the janitors, surrounding restaurants, the store I'd made the purchases at. Nothing. I gave them my phone number and the items I'd lost, but I'm pretty sure there's someone out there enjoying their free new clothes. So much for rewarding myself! All I lost was $300.00 in the process. Leo was very understanding about it and said it could happen to anyone, but I'm still kicking myself. I'm always so excited when I get new clothes! I just don't understand some people. If I found a bag of clothes with a receipt totalling $300.00, or a bag of anything at all that had been left behind, I would turn it in without a second thought. Aren't there any Good Samaritans left?!
In other news, I got that spanking a couple of days ago. It was a playful spanking - 200 spanks total, with teasing every 50. Leo tries so hard, and I really appreciate it. I know I've been short-tempered lately, and he's been so patient and caring. I have such an excellent husband!
What's new with everyone else? Does anyone else have any stories like mine to share, so that I don't feel like such a complete idiot? Haha. I hope everyone is having a lovely first few days of summer! I will post soon.
So anyway, Leo and I have a wedding to attend tomorrow and I decided to go search for a dress to wear today. I found a store that's usually super expensive, but there was a sale! Needless to say, I was pretty happy because that store hardly ever has sales. Their idea of a Boxing Day discount is $3.00 off, which is hardly anything considering their prices are so high to begin with. So, I went in and tried on a few dresses and found one I liked. Then I figured that I'd been working hard lately and deserved a reward, so I found a few other items. The grand total was $300.00 (yikes!) and I headed down to the food court afterward to grab some dinner. After dinner, I went on an unsuccessful search for shoes for about an hour and got in the car to go home. That's when I realized I didn't have my bag of clothes.
I remembered that I'd left the bag under the table while I'd been eating my dinner. I ran back inside, but of course the bag was gone. I asked everyone - guest services, the janitors, surrounding restaurants, the store I'd made the purchases at. Nothing. I gave them my phone number and the items I'd lost, but I'm pretty sure there's someone out there enjoying their free new clothes. So much for rewarding myself! All I lost was $300.00 in the process. Leo was very understanding about it and said it could happen to anyone, but I'm still kicking myself. I'm always so excited when I get new clothes! I just don't understand some people. If I found a bag of clothes with a receipt totalling $300.00, or a bag of anything at all that had been left behind, I would turn it in without a second thought. Aren't there any Good Samaritans left?!
In other news, I got that spanking a couple of days ago. It was a playful spanking - 200 spanks total, with teasing every 50. Leo tries so hard, and I really appreciate it. I know I've been short-tempered lately, and he's been so patient and caring. I have such an excellent husband!
What's new with everyone else? Does anyone else have any stories like mine to share, so that I don't feel like such a complete idiot? Haha. I hope everyone is having a lovely first few days of summer! I will post soon.
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Busy, Busy, Busy
Whew! I just need to take a deep breath, and so I thought I'd stop in here and post. It's been a crazy week, and I've been loaded with work. It's been one thing after another and falling into bed has been the best part of my day! Things seem to be slowing down now though, which I am grateful for.
Let's see, let's see. What's been happening? Well, last weekend Leo and I went to a race. Leo is very into racing cars, and loves to go see races at a track not too far from our home. I'm not always the biggest fan; to me, it's just cars going in circles! But it's important to him, and it was a fairly big race, so I tagged along. It turned out to be an okay night! Leo does so much for me, so I figured I could sacrifice a Saturday evening to do something that matters to him. We also saw the movie Bridesmaids - has anyone seen it? Hilarious! I'd see it again in a heartbeat! Even though it's meant to be a chick flick, Leo was laughing a lot, and so were the other men in the theatre. It's a little scandalous perhaps, but I suppose spankos know all about that! ;)
Speaking of spankos, I'm due for that spanking I was promised before I got sick. I only have a bit of a cough now (thanks for the lemon and honey tips in the comments!), and Leo has decided it's time. We just have to decide when. He is also going to spank me for a couple of other things. One of them is how I've been behaving in the car. I can be a nervous driver sometimes, and Leo tends to be a bit bossy as a passenger. This results in me getting snippy in the car, and talking back to him a lot. He's decided that he's had enough, so that's earned me a spanking too. I've also just been quick to talk back in general, which he's been pretty understanding about because I've been so stressed. But his patience is starting to wear thin. And, on top of that, I still can't manage to get to bed on time! My butt is in for it. He also wants to work on submission some more, by using that method where he gets me close to orgasm and refuses to allow me to come for a certain amount of time. If I have my orgasm before I'm allowed, I get spanked.
I always find myself craving a spanking, especially during a time like this when I've got a million things on my mind and just need to decompress. Then I get bent over Leo's knee, and after the first ten swats I wonder why I ever wanted a spanking in the first place! Right now we've just got to carve out a time in our busy lives to give me what I guess I deserve. I haven't had a spanking in awhile, and Leo's been getting stricter. I have a feeling that if I get out of position, it's not going to end well!
I'll try to come back and write another post soon, but no promises. June is always such a hectic month. I hope that everyone is doing well! :)
Let's see, let's see. What's been happening? Well, last weekend Leo and I went to a race. Leo is very into racing cars, and loves to go see races at a track not too far from our home. I'm not always the biggest fan; to me, it's just cars going in circles! But it's important to him, and it was a fairly big race, so I tagged along. It turned out to be an okay night! Leo does so much for me, so I figured I could sacrifice a Saturday evening to do something that matters to him. We also saw the movie Bridesmaids - has anyone seen it? Hilarious! I'd see it again in a heartbeat! Even though it's meant to be a chick flick, Leo was laughing a lot, and so were the other men in the theatre. It's a little scandalous perhaps, but I suppose spankos know all about that! ;)
Speaking of spankos, I'm due for that spanking I was promised before I got sick. I only have a bit of a cough now (thanks for the lemon and honey tips in the comments!), and Leo has decided it's time. We just have to decide when. He is also going to spank me for a couple of other things. One of them is how I've been behaving in the car. I can be a nervous driver sometimes, and Leo tends to be a bit bossy as a passenger. This results in me getting snippy in the car, and talking back to him a lot. He's decided that he's had enough, so that's earned me a spanking too. I've also just been quick to talk back in general, which he's been pretty understanding about because I've been so stressed. But his patience is starting to wear thin. And, on top of that, I still can't manage to get to bed on time! My butt is in for it. He also wants to work on submission some more, by using that method where he gets me close to orgasm and refuses to allow me to come for a certain amount of time. If I have my orgasm before I'm allowed, I get spanked.
I always find myself craving a spanking, especially during a time like this when I've got a million things on my mind and just need to decompress. Then I get bent over Leo's knee, and after the first ten swats I wonder why I ever wanted a spanking in the first place! Right now we've just got to carve out a time in our busy lives to give me what I guess I deserve. I haven't had a spanking in awhile, and Leo's been getting stricter. I have a feeling that if I get out of position, it's not going to end well!
I'll try to come back and write another post soon, but no promises. June is always such a hectic month. I hope that everyone is doing well! :)
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Unwarranted Punishments
We trust that our HOHs will be fair and honest. We trust that they will know what's best for us. But the truth is, HOHs are only human. There will be times when they have had a bad day at work and spank all too quickly, or spank us for something that we don't truly deserve to be spanked for. But, as submissives, we are often under the belief that it is completely up to our HOHs to decide when to spank us. We feel that it is not our job to tell them when they can and can't give us a spanking; that would defeat the entire purpose of this relationship style. After a spanking, it is common to feel loved and taken care of and forgiven. However, if we are being spanked for something that we don't deserve to be spanked for, those feelings probably won't be present after the punishment. We might feel angry, resentful, and bitter toward the HOH. And that also defeats the purpose of domestic discipline.
An HOH might spank out of anger, which is always a big no-no. Similarly, an HOH could spank because they're frustrated due to outside factors, and consequently might spank too severely and too readily. I read about one scenario where a spankee and her family was being insulted, and the HOH did nothing to support or defend her. Because she was upset about it, and not knowing what else to do, he spanked her. I think that sometimes, spankees feel that they have to accept their punishments because they need to be submissive and obedient. They feel that if something is wrong, or if they disagree with something that the HOH has said or done, they can't express that. I think that communication is key.
Authority should be seen as a part of leadership, not as a way around it.
Michael McKinney
An HOH might spank out of anger, which is always a big no-no. Similarly, an HOH could spank because they're frustrated due to outside factors, and consequently might spank too severely and too readily. I read about one scenario where a spankee and her family was being insulted, and the HOH did nothing to support or defend her. Because she was upset about it, and not knowing what else to do, he spanked her. I think that sometimes, spankees feel that they have to accept their punishments because they need to be submissive and obedient. They feel that if something is wrong, or if they disagree with something that the HOH has said or done, they can't express that. I think that communication is key.
I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?
Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli
Now, I'm pretty sure that Benjamin Disraeli wasn't referring to DD relationships in this quote. But I do think that it can be very relevant to DD. A successful leader follows his people and understands their wants and needs so that he can understand how to cater to and provide for them. An HOH is, essentially, a leader. I think that in order to be a successful one, he needs to really understand what his partner needs. If he's spanking or punishing unfairly, then I don't think that it's unacceptable to explain it to him. That doesn't mean that you have to shout it at him, or curse at him, or anything of the sort. If you speak to him rationally about the issue, he won't have any reason to feel that you are disrespecting him. This is totally okay! Spankees are allowed to voice their concerns and their thoughts. Even though the HOH is in charge, the marriage/relationship is still a partnership, and the HOH should still value what their partner has to say. There will be times when the HOH will want to spank his partner and the partner won't feel that she warrants the spanking. DD is all about correcting harmful behaviour. It could be behaviour that's harmful to the spankee, harmful to the marriage, or harmful to others. The punishments are meant to help the spankee acknowledge and reflect on the behaviour and correct it. If the spankee winds up feeling bitter and angry after a spanking, then the desired results obviously haven't been achieved.
However, there is a difference between not wanting a spanking and not deserving a spanking. There are times when Leo thinks that I need to be spanked, and although I know that I've earned the spanking, I just don't feel like being spanked. That doesn't mean that Leo is being unfair. But, if he were to have a bad day and try to severely spank me for small and unimportant infractions, that would be unfair. If it's a punishment spanking, no one ever truly wants one. But if it becomes a battle every time the HOH mentions a spanking, that's when trouble starts to brew. For the most part, HOHs will probably be justified in their decision making. Most couples have probably had several discussions about DD and rules and punishments. There's just that odd occasion when something goes slightly awry.
A lot of HOHs, especially newer ones, aren't always completely comfortable in their roles. They might not completely understand what it means to be HOH. A lot of DD relationships are initiated by the spankee, who expresses her desire/need to be spanked. The HOH might interpret that as simply a request to be spanked, but not led. It takes awhile to really get a good grip on being authoritative over their partner, and they might feel isolated at times when they're not sure how to handle something. This is why communication is so critically important. DD is supposed to provide stability in a relationship. The HOH and his partner work as a team to combat issues that come up. So many spankees struggle to make their feelings known to their HOHs. We often neglect the fact that it can be tough on them, too. We are going to make mistakes, and our HOHs are going to make mistakes. This journey isn't easy by any means, but it doesn't have to be made alone.
Has anyone ever experienced a situation where they felt that their HOH was punishing them unfairly? How was it handled? I feel like this is an issue that is very realistic in DD, and that a lot of couples have to face at some point. I'm interested to see how the situations were dealt with! I'll leave you with one last quote to think about...
Authority should be seen as a part of leadership, not as a way around it.
Michael McKinney
Hope that everyone is having a great weekend! :)
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Growing Into Spanking
Like many other spankos, when I was growing up I knew that I had a kink for spanking. Even as a young child I knew. As I entered my teen years, I started to feel very awkward about these feelings that I possessed. I didn't think that being interested in spanking was normal, nor was I aware of the hundreds of other people who shared the same kink that I did. Having sexual interests like spanking is difficult in some ways, because sexual fantasies are not something that are generally shared with people, be it your best friend or the guy you just met in the elevator. I had no way of knowing if anyone else felt the same way. I felt ashamed, and also worried. Would I ever be able to tell my future partner about my interest? How would he feel about it?
When I learned about DD for the first time and realized that it was something I wanted to incorporate into my life, it was shortly before I met Leo. This just added to my burden of stress regarding spanking. How would my boyfriend or husband feel about disciplining me? More specifically, how would he feel about spanking me as the punishment? At this point, I didn't realize how many DD relationships began because of the wife's suggestion. When I think of my vanilla friends, if their husbands ever mentioned spanking them as a punishment I can only imagine what would happen. Their suitcases would probably be packed and by the front door. Deep down, I wanted a man who would want to punish me; who I wouldn't have to ask. I knew that the chances of finding a man like that were slim to none. So when I met Leo, after a little while I mustered up my courage and told him about spanking and DD. But it wasn't that easy.
I knew that the idea of DD sparked somewhere inside of me. But I was, and still am, a very independent woman. I was the girl whose grandmother told her to "always vote because there were women who fought hard for her right to" (which is excellent advice, in my opinion). I believed in gender equality 100%. And yet I was going to allow a man to flip me over his knee and spank me whenever he saw fit? I really struggled with this. When I envisioned a powerful businesswoman, I didn't picture a red butt under her tailored pantsuit. At times when I was angry or frustrated with something, I would try to picture a man trying to spank me at that moment. I knew that in scenarios like that in a DD relationship, I might get spanked. I usually just thought, "Screw it - there's no way I would accept a spanking right now. I'm way too frustrated." It wasn't until later that I realized that in a DD relationship, it wouldn't be up to me. If he thought I needed a spanking, I'd be getting a spanking. End of story.
As for the equality issue, I started to do some reading. I started to comprehend that wives submit to their husbands when their husbands are fair, respectful and loving. If the husband is being fair, respectful, loving, protective, etc., then there is no reason for the wife not to submit. In the office, and with my friends, I am a strong-willed and secure woman. When I'm with Leo, I simply accept what it is he has to say and what he deems is appropriate. Leo and I don't want the relationship to turn into something where I feel that I can't voice my opinion or my thoughts because he is the one who has the final say. He still values everything that I have to say, which is so important to me. I think that when people start DD, they want a guide book. They want someone to say "This is what you do and how you do it". But the truth is, what works for one couple isn't going to work for another. No DD relationship is going to be the same. Leo doesn't want me to be quiet and not tell him what I'm thinking. That isn't what either of us want. I know that he wants what's best for me, but if there's something I don't agree with, I'm not afraid to mention it. I've always had a bit of a "black-and-white" outlook on things. I can be very opinionated, and I speak my mind when I think I need to. I don't do this in a professional setting, but at home, I often say what I'm thinking. Leo knows the difference between my pleading when I know I deserve a spanking, and when I'm genuinely trying to communicate with him. It can be tough, but I think we are getting the hang of it.
Leo has also tried other "punishments" that are slightly more sexual in nature. For example, last week after a spanking, he made me hold my legs while he teased me. He told me that I would not be allowed to orgasm for 30 minutes, and if I did, I would receive 500 spanks. It was super difficult, but I made it! He was nice at the end :). However, I think it's something that he wants to try again. I can't decide if I like it or not. An orgasm is always nice, but a hard 500 spanks isn't! It's a good submission exercise though, knowing that I am under his control and that if I don't obey him, my butt will pay the price.
After my 3 and a half hour wait at the walk-in clinic yesterday, the doctor told me that I only had a virus that would have to go away on its own. My sore throat is feeling a bit better, but my cough has been keeping me up at night. I'm just trying to drink lots of fluids and get this bug out of my system! Leo has been a very excellent caretaker. I read in a magazine once that you know it's true love when your boyfriend/husband holds your hair back while you vomit. Gross, but also true!
I'll try to post soon. Hope everyone is doing well and that the weather is warm wherever you are!
When I learned about DD for the first time and realized that it was something I wanted to incorporate into my life, it was shortly before I met Leo. This just added to my burden of stress regarding spanking. How would my boyfriend or husband feel about disciplining me? More specifically, how would he feel about spanking me as the punishment? At this point, I didn't realize how many DD relationships began because of the wife's suggestion. When I think of my vanilla friends, if their husbands ever mentioned spanking them as a punishment I can only imagine what would happen. Their suitcases would probably be packed and by the front door. Deep down, I wanted a man who would want to punish me; who I wouldn't have to ask. I knew that the chances of finding a man like that were slim to none. So when I met Leo, after a little while I mustered up my courage and told him about spanking and DD. But it wasn't that easy.
I knew that the idea of DD sparked somewhere inside of me. But I was, and still am, a very independent woman. I was the girl whose grandmother told her to "always vote because there were women who fought hard for her right to" (which is excellent advice, in my opinion). I believed in gender equality 100%. And yet I was going to allow a man to flip me over his knee and spank me whenever he saw fit? I really struggled with this. When I envisioned a powerful businesswoman, I didn't picture a red butt under her tailored pantsuit. At times when I was angry or frustrated with something, I would try to picture a man trying to spank me at that moment. I knew that in scenarios like that in a DD relationship, I might get spanked. I usually just thought, "Screw it - there's no way I would accept a spanking right now. I'm way too frustrated." It wasn't until later that I realized that in a DD relationship, it wouldn't be up to me. If he thought I needed a spanking, I'd be getting a spanking. End of story.
As for the equality issue, I started to do some reading. I started to comprehend that wives submit to their husbands when their husbands are fair, respectful and loving. If the husband is being fair, respectful, loving, protective, etc., then there is no reason for the wife not to submit. In the office, and with my friends, I am a strong-willed and secure woman. When I'm with Leo, I simply accept what it is he has to say and what he deems is appropriate. Leo and I don't want the relationship to turn into something where I feel that I can't voice my opinion or my thoughts because he is the one who has the final say. He still values everything that I have to say, which is so important to me. I think that when people start DD, they want a guide book. They want someone to say "This is what you do and how you do it". But the truth is, what works for one couple isn't going to work for another. No DD relationship is going to be the same. Leo doesn't want me to be quiet and not tell him what I'm thinking. That isn't what either of us want. I know that he wants what's best for me, but if there's something I don't agree with, I'm not afraid to mention it. I've always had a bit of a "black-and-white" outlook on things. I can be very opinionated, and I speak my mind when I think I need to. I don't do this in a professional setting, but at home, I often say what I'm thinking. Leo knows the difference between my pleading when I know I deserve a spanking, and when I'm genuinely trying to communicate with him. It can be tough, but I think we are getting the hang of it.
Leo has also tried other "punishments" that are slightly more sexual in nature. For example, last week after a spanking, he made me hold my legs while he teased me. He told me that I would not be allowed to orgasm for 30 minutes, and if I did, I would receive 500 spanks. It was super difficult, but I made it! He was nice at the end :). However, I think it's something that he wants to try again. I can't decide if I like it or not. An orgasm is always nice, but a hard 500 spanks isn't! It's a good submission exercise though, knowing that I am under his control and that if I don't obey him, my butt will pay the price.
After my 3 and a half hour wait at the walk-in clinic yesterday, the doctor told me that I only had a virus that would have to go away on its own. My sore throat is feeling a bit better, but my cough has been keeping me up at night. I'm just trying to drink lots of fluids and get this bug out of my system! Leo has been a very excellent caretaker. I read in a magazine once that you know it's true love when your boyfriend/husband holds your hair back while you vomit. Gross, but also true!
I'll try to post soon. Hope everyone is doing well and that the weather is warm wherever you are!
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Just Popping By
I think I was wrong about my sinus headache. My sore throat has suddenly become very severe, and I was running a bit of a fever last night. I'm hoarse, and I have a cough to boot. This is a horrible time of year to be sick. I don't want to complain, but it's sunny and warm out and I want to be outdoors, but instead I'm in bed! I decided to stay home from work today, and I'm going to go to the doctor in a couple of hours to see what's up.
A few days ago I was promised another spanking due to my bad bedtime habits. Somewhere around 150 swats, I think. Leo told me he won't give me them until I feel better, which is nice of him, but it also makes the anticipation a lot worse. I feel like we need to establish some general rules or something. Sometimes, the HOH and the submissive are going to feel differently about different things. While Leo and I don't curse a lot, we do sometimes, and that is something that I would really like to stop doing. Cursing bothers me, but it doesn't bother him very much. I don't want to lower my standards in order to match his, but it also doesn't seem very reasonable for him to spank me for something that he does too. I guess there are some rules that just go without saying, like respecting him and obeying him when he wants me to do something. Maybe the best thing to do is sit down and discuss things. Even though I want Leo to be the leader in this relationship, I think I can still voice how I'm feeling without trying to assume control. Things are going pretty well for us DD-wise lately, especially considering how new all of this is for us. It's like doing a puzzle - you get all of the outside pieces fit together first, and you fill in the rest as you go. Working at it is what makes you appreciate the final result.
Well, I think I'm going to go take another nap before that doctor's appointment! Going to the doctor makes me nervous; I'm not good with blood or needles or anything of the sort (I fainted in Grade 11 Biology when we watched a video about the heart...). Hopefully they can figure out what's wrong, though, and I'll be back on track soon! Then again, being back on track means I'm going to get that spanking.
Hmm. I just can't win!
A few days ago I was promised another spanking due to my bad bedtime habits. Somewhere around 150 swats, I think. Leo told me he won't give me them until I feel better, which is nice of him, but it also makes the anticipation a lot worse. I feel like we need to establish some general rules or something. Sometimes, the HOH and the submissive are going to feel differently about different things. While Leo and I don't curse a lot, we do sometimes, and that is something that I would really like to stop doing. Cursing bothers me, but it doesn't bother him very much. I don't want to lower my standards in order to match his, but it also doesn't seem very reasonable for him to spank me for something that he does too. I guess there are some rules that just go without saying, like respecting him and obeying him when he wants me to do something. Maybe the best thing to do is sit down and discuss things. Even though I want Leo to be the leader in this relationship, I think I can still voice how I'm feeling without trying to assume control. Things are going pretty well for us DD-wise lately, especially considering how new all of this is for us. It's like doing a puzzle - you get all of the outside pieces fit together first, and you fill in the rest as you go. Working at it is what makes you appreciate the final result.
Well, I think I'm going to go take another nap before that doctor's appointment! Going to the doctor makes me nervous; I'm not good with blood or needles or anything of the sort (I fainted in Grade 11 Biology when we watched a video about the heart...). Hopefully they can figure out what's wrong, though, and I'll be back on track soon! Then again, being back on track means I'm going to get that spanking.
Hmm. I just can't win!
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Kitchens, Allergies, and Lemonade
I really wish that the kitchen renovations were over. I'm so tired of the house being a complete mess! Because we don't have a kitchen sink or dishwasher right now, I've been doing our dishes in a bin in the bathtub. The house also smells like paint and is filled with dust from sanding and drywalling, and I don't want to eat out any more. The fridge, the toaster, the coffee maker and all of the dishes/cutlery are in the dining room. I think our dog is also unhappy, because he's stuck in the living room while various workers come in and out daily. We will all be glad when this process is over, and when we (hopefully!) have a beautiful kitchen!
I suffer from seasonal allergies, mainly pollen, and they've been pretty bad the last couple of weeks. Ever since Monday I've had a pounding headache that hurts even more when I bend over, accompanied by dizziness, sneezing, a sore throat, and a cough. I also had some cold shivers for a couple of days there. I usually just have itchy and watery eyes, along with a lot of sneezing, but after some Google research I concluded that I'm having a sinus headache. It's not fun! Advil and Reactine have become my best friends. I didn't even want to go to work on Monday, but I had a lot of things to do and so I went anyway. Things get so stressful around this time of year, and I think that that isn't very helpful. Leo's given me a few swats on the butt to try and keep me in line, but I will be relieved when I can just take a breather!
There's not much else to report, really. We went out with some friends last night, which was fun. Today we went to Leo's parents' for dinner, and we decided to try and make some homemade lemonade. I think it turned out really well! I'll include the recipe we used below.
Old Fashioned Lemonade Recipe
We put some raspberries in the pitcher to float on top of the lemonade for a nice touch. Lemon/orange wedges, cherries, and whole strawberries are also nice additions, and perhaps a mint garnish (if you want to get fancy!). We only added a little bit of extra sugar, which we probably didn't need. We used the juice from 7 1/2 lemons and it turned out great! It was a big hit. Another good idea might be to fill an ice cube tray with water, and put a raspberry or two in each cube to freeze. Then, as the cubes melt in the lemonade later, the raspberries are freed. We used half of a lemon to wet the rims of the glasses, and then we dipped the rims in sugar. It was a nice treat for a fairly hot evening!
I hope everyone is doing well. I will try to post soon!
I suffer from seasonal allergies, mainly pollen, and they've been pretty bad the last couple of weeks. Ever since Monday I've had a pounding headache that hurts even more when I bend over, accompanied by dizziness, sneezing, a sore throat, and a cough. I also had some cold shivers for a couple of days there. I usually just have itchy and watery eyes, along with a lot of sneezing, but after some Google research I concluded that I'm having a sinus headache. It's not fun! Advil and Reactine have become my best friends. I didn't even want to go to work on Monday, but I had a lot of things to do and so I went anyway. Things get so stressful around this time of year, and I think that that isn't very helpful. Leo's given me a few swats on the butt to try and keep me in line, but I will be relieved when I can just take a breather!
There's not much else to report, really. We went out with some friends last night, which was fun. Today we went to Leo's parents' for dinner, and we decided to try and make some homemade lemonade. I think it turned out really well! I'll include the recipe we used below.
- 8 to 10 medium to large lemons. This should get about 1 1/2 cups of lemon juice.
- 5 cups water
- 1 1/2 cups sugar
- Use room temperature lemons to make them easier to juice. Roll the lemons on a countertop using your palm to soften them up and make them easier to juice.
- Juice the lemons and take the seeds out, using a strainer or sieve if you also want it pulp free.
- Bring 1 cup of the water to a boil in a saucepan and slowly add the sugar. Cook slowly over a low heat, stirring gently until all the sugar is dissolved.
- Remove this mixture from the heat and add the lemon juice while it's still warm. This makes a lemon syrup. I usually have extra lemon juice on hand in case there is a need to adjust the flavor later. Put the syrup in the fridge to cool down completely.
- Once the syrup is cooled you're ready to make lemonade. Add the syrup to the other 4 1/2 cups of ice cold water. This makes a decent sized pitcher of lemonade. Add sugar if it's too tart. Add more water or lemon juice if you find it too sweet.
We put some raspberries in the pitcher to float on top of the lemonade for a nice touch. Lemon/orange wedges, cherries, and whole strawberries are also nice additions, and perhaps a mint garnish (if you want to get fancy!). We only added a little bit of extra sugar, which we probably didn't need. We used the juice from 7 1/2 lemons and it turned out great! It was a big hit. Another good idea might be to fill an ice cube tray with water, and put a raspberry or two in each cube to freeze. Then, as the cubes melt in the lemonade later, the raspberries are freed. We used half of a lemon to wet the rims of the glasses, and then we dipped the rims in sugar. It was a nice treat for a fairly hot evening!
I hope everyone is doing well. I will try to post soon!
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Hot Weather and Hot Bottoms
Finally! After all of that rain, we're getting some sun! In fact, we're getting a lot of sun. Yesterday, there was a heat advisory issued and it was incredibly humid and hot; almost too hot. Today is much nicer, because the humidity is gone but the sun has been shining all day and the temperature isn't quite so high. I've finally been able to start wearing skirts and dresses again, which I was excited about until I realized that it makes it much easier for Leo to have access to my butt! I learned that the hard way yesterday when he gave me about 50 swats. He thought it was pretty funny, but I didn't!
We're struggling a bit with the difference between kinky spanking and discipline spanking. My interest in spanking started out with the idea of erotic spanking, and it wasn't until later that I discovered the existence of DD. So, obviously spanking is a turn-on for me. Leo knows that. Some spankings that are meant to be disciplinary end up making both of us a little "turned on" sometimes, and I feel like that defeats the whole purpose! I know that some couples incorporate other aspects of a punishment, such as corner time, mouth soaping, writing lines, etc. While none of those sound particularly appealing, I think that writing lines and standing in the corner for an hour probably wouldn't push my buttons, if you know what I mean. I'm completely fine with playful kinky spankings - don't get me wrong. I just want them to be separate from punishment spankings. However, I've already mentioned that I usually get spanked for minor issues, like breaking my bedtime curfew or talking back. While I definitely feel remorseful as my butt receives a volley of spanks, I don't feel as though I've truly disappointed him. I haven't needed to be spanked for a major issue yet, and if (or should I say when) that day ever comes, then perhaps the dynamic of the spanking will change. I don't think there's anything kinky about being spanked for staying out way too late and forgetting to call, or spending way too much money, or anything of that nature. I think that Leo would be genuinely upset and angry in a scenario like that.
I've read about other people involved in this lifestyle who worry about "topping from the bottom". I'm trying not to do that. I'm trying to go with the flow and give myself, and Leo especially, time to experiment and adjust. So far, this whole DD thing seems to be working out pretty well! I was doubtful when I suggested it, because most men are taught growing up that you don't ever hit a woman. I know how shocked I was when I read my first DD article, and I could only imagine how Leo would feel when his wife asked him if he would give her a hard spanking when she misbehaved. I had always fantasized about a husband who would just want to spank me, but luckily I met a man who was very open to trying and who found that this works for him too. I know that there will be lots of ups and downs and forks in the road, but we are both willing to make this work. I've been able to embrace this part of me, and Leo has been able to embrace a part of him that he never really knew about. Whatever happens on this journey, we've got each other...and that's the most important thing.
We're struggling a bit with the difference between kinky spanking and discipline spanking. My interest in spanking started out with the idea of erotic spanking, and it wasn't until later that I discovered the existence of DD. So, obviously spanking is a turn-on for me. Leo knows that. Some spankings that are meant to be disciplinary end up making both of us a little "turned on" sometimes, and I feel like that defeats the whole purpose! I know that some couples incorporate other aspects of a punishment, such as corner time, mouth soaping, writing lines, etc. While none of those sound particularly appealing, I think that writing lines and standing in the corner for an hour probably wouldn't push my buttons, if you know what I mean. I'm completely fine with playful kinky spankings - don't get me wrong. I just want them to be separate from punishment spankings. However, I've already mentioned that I usually get spanked for minor issues, like breaking my bedtime curfew or talking back. While I definitely feel remorseful as my butt receives a volley of spanks, I don't feel as though I've truly disappointed him. I haven't needed to be spanked for a major issue yet, and if (or should I say when) that day ever comes, then perhaps the dynamic of the spanking will change. I don't think there's anything kinky about being spanked for staying out way too late and forgetting to call, or spending way too much money, or anything of that nature. I think that Leo would be genuinely upset and angry in a scenario like that.
I've read about other people involved in this lifestyle who worry about "topping from the bottom". I'm trying not to do that. I'm trying to go with the flow and give myself, and Leo especially, time to experiment and adjust. So far, this whole DD thing seems to be working out pretty well! I was doubtful when I suggested it, because most men are taught growing up that you don't ever hit a woman. I know how shocked I was when I read my first DD article, and I could only imagine how Leo would feel when his wife asked him if he would give her a hard spanking when she misbehaved. I had always fantasized about a husband who would just want to spank me, but luckily I met a man who was very open to trying and who found that this works for him too. I know that there will be lots of ups and downs and forks in the road, but we are both willing to make this work. I've been able to embrace this part of me, and Leo has been able to embrace a part of him that he never really knew about. Whatever happens on this journey, we've got each other...and that's the most important thing.
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Spanking - When To Draw the Line?
Because DD is so new for us, Leo and I are trying to establish what we feel are punishable offences. So far, I have been punished for smaller misdemeanors, including staying up too late (which I have already posted about), being disrespectful to him, and disobeying him when he asks me to do something. This seems to work just fine for us. However, I know that there are people in DD relationships who spank and punish for very serious offences, such as drinking and driving. Where does one draw the line?
This is a difficult question to answer, in my opinion. Someone might think that of course an offence that is as dangerous and as serious as drinking and driving is worthy of a hard spanking. But, on the other hand, someone else might argue that drinking and driving is too serious for a spanking. I have heard, as I am sure many others have, that women are spanked when they behave immaturely. Consequently, immature behaviour warrants a childish punishment - a spanking. However, should drinking and driving, or speeding, or drastically endangering oneself or another person be something to be punished childishly? These are most certainly not childish offences. Personally, I'm almost leaning to the side where I think that these issues need to be dealt with in an adult manner, and spanking doesn't seem to qualify as an appropriate respose to these situations. Endangering a life, whether it's your own or someone else's, is not the same as neglecting the laundry or talking back.
Then again, if I were to come home with a large fine from a speeding ticket and be severely paddled to the point where I could not sit down for days, I would most likely refrain from speeding in the future. That is the whole point of spanking, to acknowledge bad behaviour and prevent it from occurring again. It forces the spankee to reflect on their actions, and to reflect on why they are being spanked. I don't think that a spanking should be the only part of the punishment, though. As I just stated, the spankee needs to reflect. When your bottom is being spanked, it can be pretty hard to think clearly and focus on why you're getting the punishment for the first little while. I think that corner time and a lot of scolding and lecturing is also required. The spankee should want to not repeat the action in the future because they know it is wrong, not simply because they don't want a spanking. Leo and I have not been placed in this position yet, so I can't speak from experience. This just seems logical to me.
I'm curious to know how others feel about this matter. I'm aware that all couples practise DD in a way that works for them. While some couples may spank for severe offences, others may not. What works for one couple may not work for another, and I completely comprehend this. I'm just interested to see what other people think about this subject, and whether or not they've ever been in a situation where this has been an issue. So far, I haven't committed any severe offences that would cause Leo to have to make a decision like this. I think I'll do my best to stay out of trouble so that he doesn't have to!
On a side note, I did receive the spanking I had been promised. I actually got it on Thursday night, but I didn't get a chance to post. I got 50 of my 250 swats with a small metal garden spade, like this:

It was a strange implement, but it definitely made an impression! The other 200 hand swats were hard, and they hurt. He lectured me the whole time, and I felt relieved by the time he stopped. I feel almost as though when he decides a certain number of swats, and tells me, it's not beneficial for me. If he tells me I'm getting 250 swats, I just count them and wait for it to be over. If he gave me a spanking where I didn't know when it would end, I would have the opportunity to focus on the issue at hand rather than the number of swats I have left. Hmm. Perhaps something for Leo and I to discuss!
This is a difficult question to answer, in my opinion. Someone might think that of course an offence that is as dangerous and as serious as drinking and driving is worthy of a hard spanking. But, on the other hand, someone else might argue that drinking and driving is too serious for a spanking. I have heard, as I am sure many others have, that women are spanked when they behave immaturely. Consequently, immature behaviour warrants a childish punishment - a spanking. However, should drinking and driving, or speeding, or drastically endangering oneself or another person be something to be punished childishly? These are most certainly not childish offences. Personally, I'm almost leaning to the side where I think that these issues need to be dealt with in an adult manner, and spanking doesn't seem to qualify as an appropriate respose to these situations. Endangering a life, whether it's your own or someone else's, is not the same as neglecting the laundry or talking back.
Then again, if I were to come home with a large fine from a speeding ticket and be severely paddled to the point where I could not sit down for days, I would most likely refrain from speeding in the future. That is the whole point of spanking, to acknowledge bad behaviour and prevent it from occurring again. It forces the spankee to reflect on their actions, and to reflect on why they are being spanked. I don't think that a spanking should be the only part of the punishment, though. As I just stated, the spankee needs to reflect. When your bottom is being spanked, it can be pretty hard to think clearly and focus on why you're getting the punishment for the first little while. I think that corner time and a lot of scolding and lecturing is also required. The spankee should want to not repeat the action in the future because they know it is wrong, not simply because they don't want a spanking. Leo and I have not been placed in this position yet, so I can't speak from experience. This just seems logical to me.
I'm curious to know how others feel about this matter. I'm aware that all couples practise DD in a way that works for them. While some couples may spank for severe offences, others may not. What works for one couple may not work for another, and I completely comprehend this. I'm just interested to see what other people think about this subject, and whether or not they've ever been in a situation where this has been an issue. So far, I haven't committed any severe offences that would cause Leo to have to make a decision like this. I think I'll do my best to stay out of trouble so that he doesn't have to!
On a side note, I did receive the spanking I had been promised. I actually got it on Thursday night, but I didn't get a chance to post. I got 50 of my 250 swats with a small metal garden spade, like this:

It was a strange implement, but it definitely made an impression! The other 200 hand swats were hard, and they hurt. He lectured me the whole time, and I felt relieved by the time he stopped. I feel almost as though when he decides a certain number of swats, and tells me, it's not beneficial for me. If he tells me I'm getting 250 swats, I just count them and wait for it to be over. If he gave me a spanking where I didn't know when it would end, I would have the opportunity to focus on the issue at hand rather than the number of swats I have left. Hmm. Perhaps something for Leo and I to discuss!
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
May? More Like March!
I am getting so impatient.
Like, so impatient.
I want summer! And I want it now!
It's been so dreary here lately. As soon as I think the skies are clearing up and the weather's getting warmer, it starts to rain and I have to put away the shorts again. It's been a really long winter, and I'm just not a winter person (a little ironic, considering my name). Sounds crazy, doesn't it - the Canadian who doesn't like winter? Well, I would just like to clear some things out of the way now: Canadians do not live in igloos, nor do we drive dog sleds to work, nor do we have polar bears for pets. I know that it seems completely ridiculous for anyone to think any of those things, but you'd be surprised! (And if anyone did assume that those were true, I'm glad that I could set the record straight)
As I type this, it's raining outside. It was a bit of a stressful day; Leo and I are having the kitchen renovated and we've had electricians and plumbers coming in and out, and our electricity was shut off for awhile. This laptop has been pretty good about using battery power, thank goodness. It will all be done soon - the renovations aren't too major - but I'll be glad when it is!
I still haven't received the spanking I was promised. In fact, after I posted yesterday, I pushed my limits even more (I know, I know, I need to stop doing that!). I refused to get off of the computer when Leo asked me to, and when I was supposed to be going to sleep, I started playing a game on my Blackberry. He added 50 spanks for a grand total of 250. I have a feeling that I'll probably get spanked tomorrow night, or Friday. I have an exercise class tonight, and Leo's out with some friends. My butt will be a little sore for awhile, but I'm so glad that he's getting involved in this whole DD process and making an honest effort. Love you baby!
Like, so impatient.
I want summer! And I want it now!
It's been so dreary here lately. As soon as I think the skies are clearing up and the weather's getting warmer, it starts to rain and I have to put away the shorts again. It's been a really long winter, and I'm just not a winter person (a little ironic, considering my name). Sounds crazy, doesn't it - the Canadian who doesn't like winter? Well, I would just like to clear some things out of the way now: Canadians do not live in igloos, nor do we drive dog sleds to work, nor do we have polar bears for pets. I know that it seems completely ridiculous for anyone to think any of those things, but you'd be surprised! (And if anyone did assume that those were true, I'm glad that I could set the record straight)
As I type this, it's raining outside. It was a bit of a stressful day; Leo and I are having the kitchen renovated and we've had electricians and plumbers coming in and out, and our electricity was shut off for awhile. This laptop has been pretty good about using battery power, thank goodness. It will all be done soon - the renovations aren't too major - but I'll be glad when it is!
I still haven't received the spanking I was promised. In fact, after I posted yesterday, I pushed my limits even more (I know, I know, I need to stop doing that!). I refused to get off of the computer when Leo asked me to, and when I was supposed to be going to sleep, I started playing a game on my Blackberry. He added 50 spanks for a grand total of 250. I have a feeling that I'll probably get spanked tomorrow night, or Friday. I have an exercise class tonight, and Leo's out with some friends. My butt will be a little sore for awhile, but I'm so glad that he's getting involved in this whole DD process and making an honest effort. Love you baby!
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
My Attempt at a Spanking Story
My parents own a cottage a few hours away from our home, and we spent the May 24 long weekend up there. It was a great trip, and despite some rain we still managed to have a good time. We fished, and lit fireworks, and went in the boat, and swam in the pool, and basically just kicked back and forgot about our responsibilities for a few days. However, there was one point when I thought Leo wouldn't be shirking his responsibilities; responsibilities of another sort. We were driving up a quiet side road when I got a little frustrated and told him to shut up. I was lucky, because all I got was a stern look and a mention of being bent over the hood on the side of the road next time! I'm glad that that didn't happen for a number of reasons. One is that being spanked on my bare bottom outdoors at the side of a road would make me very uncomfortable - what if someone were to come along? Even though it wasn't a busy road, and most likely no one would have driven by, I would have been very anxious the entire time. And it's also blackfly season, so being bare bottomed by the forest might have resulted in some bites!
However, Leo's threat was enough to get the wheels in my mind turning. I've been wanting to try writing a spanking story, but I couldn't come up with a scenario. This one seems perfect! Plus, with summer getting close, I thought an outdoors scene might be appropriate. So, here goes nothing!
Mandy sighed as she watched the green foliage whip by in a blur outside the car window. It was a beautiful summer day. The sky was blue, with only a faint wisp of cloud, and the air was hot and breezy. She had woken up with the intention of doing absolutely nothing; perhaps dipping her toes in the lake, or lounging on the wooden dock while trying to tan her legs. However, as she buttered her toast and contemplated which swimsuit to wear, her long-time boyfriend Pete came sauntering into the kitchen holding a fishing pole.
"What are you doing with that?" she inquired, turning to face him.
"What would one normally do with a fishing pole?" he responded, his eyes crinkling into a smile. "I thought we could go fishing! There's a lake about half an hour from here that supposedly has excellent fishing, and it would be a nice way to spend the afternoon."
"A nice way to spend the afternoon?!" she spat out. "Pete, I don't feel like it! I just want to relax here today. Lay in the sun, maybe, and go for a swim."
"Mandy, yesterday you decided that we would go to town, and we did. The day before that, you wanted to go on a boat ride, and we did that. I think it's fair for us to do something that I want to do today," Pete told her firmly. "Now, why don't you go start packing? We'll need some bug spray, sun screen, some snacks--"
"No," Mandy cut him off abruptly. "Fishing is the most boring thing in the world. I'm not going, Pete. And that's final!"
Pete's expression changed quickly. "Young lady," he warned. "You had better get rid of that attitude and quit talking back to me. We're going fishing today, that's what's final. And unless you want your bottom bared and spanked right now, then I suggest you start packing a backpack and behaving." He ignored the pouty part of her lips, and exited the room.
Mandy didn't want to go on a hike, but she didn't want a spanking either. Frustrated, she threw open the fridge door and yanked out a can of tuna fish, which she knew wasn't Pete's favourite. She made two sandwiches, and packed plastic containers of cherries and stalks of celery - two other snacks that she knew Pete wouldn't be thrilled with. She gathered a can of bug spray and a bottle of sun screen, as well as a water bottle and a pair of sunglasses. Pete returned to the cottage's kitchen half an hour later, and was pleased that she had chosen to listen to him.
"Good girl," he praised her, pecking her on the cheek. She didn't say anything. Instead, she laced up her running shoes and waited miserably as he circled the cottage whistling, collecting car keys and making sure they had everything they needed. As she walked out the door, she kissed the distant memories of her swimsuit and the sunny dock goodbye.
Now, here she was, in the passenger seat of the car, on the way to a lake in the middle of God-knows-where. She cringed at the thought of the mosquitoes that would be flitting around the shoreline, and the cold lake that was substituting for the hot sandy beach back at the cottage. She closed her eyes, trying to lull herself to sleep so that she could forget the impending fishing trip and the boring drive.
"Where are we?" Pete blurted out suddenly. "I thought we would have been there by now! We must have gone the wrong way. Mandy, get out the map." Grumbling, she rustled through the glove compartment and retrieved the map. "Now check and see where we are. We were supposed to turn back there, and I thought we were supposed to turn right...but now that I think of it, maybe it was left."
Mandy liked to consider herself directionally challenged, and the map looked like a series of jagged lines and meaningless squiggles. "I don't know," she told him, half-heartedly trying to comprehend what she was looking at. "But just a thought - it's always nice to know where you're going before you leave." Her sarcastic tone did not go unnoticed.
"Mandy. We're already lost, and I'm already frustrated. Get rid of the attitude." He gritted his teeth in annoyance. "Take a look at the map and tell me where we went wrong!"
"We? I'm not the one driving here," she replied, clearly ignoring Pete's warning. "And I can't read this thing! I don't understand it!"
"It's not that difficult," he told her matter-of-factly. "Of all things, a lake would be the easiest to find."
"Well then, you read the damn thing!" she retorted, throwing the crinkled map in his direction. She immediately realized that it had been a bad move. Pete quickly swerved the car to the side of the road and turned off the ignition.
"Out of the car," he said icily. "Now."
A knot of fear entangled itself in the pit of Mandy's stomach. "Oh, please no, Pete! I didn't mean to...I really didn't..."
He disregarded her pleading. "You meant to, Mandy Lee," he said. "I know you did. Now get out of the car."
Reluctantly, she unclicked her seatbelt and climbed slowly out of the car. The road was deserted; a lonely side road that she was sure no one ever really used. She trembled a little as Pete's strong hand curled around her forearm, dragging her to the hood of the car.
"Unzip your shorts," he commanded. "I want your bare butt over the hood of this car."
"Pete!" she protested, frantically surveying the area. "What if someone comes? Please don't do this to me!"
"No one is going to come," he told her, "and even if they do, all they're going to see is a naughty girl getting what she deserves. If you don't have those shorts down in ten seconds, I'm doubling your spanking." The last comment prompted her to quickly remove the shorts, and she reluctantly bent over the hood of the car. The breeze tickled her bare cheeks, and she shivered in unwanted anticipation. "Arch that back," he said. "I want that butt up nice and high so I can spank it properly." She pushed her bottom up toward him so that her pale cheeks were at his disposal. As hard as she tried, she wasn't prepared for the first swat that came crashing down. SMACK!
"Ouch!" she cried, wildly trying to protect her bottom with her hand.
"Oh no you don't!" he said, grabbing her wrist and pinning her arm behind her back. "Try that again, young lady, and you'll be getting extras." His hand rained down in another flurry of hard spanks. "You will NOT..." SMACK! "Ever..." SMACK! "Throw something..." SMACK! "At me..." SMACK! "While I am driving..." SMACK! SMACK! "Or ever, for that matter..." SMACK! "Again!" SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "You can also..." SMACK! "Lose the attitude..." SMACK! "Unless..." SMACK! "You want to find..." SMACK! "Yourself in this position..." SMACK! SMACK! "Again!" His hand continued to punish her creamy cheeks until they began to blush a rosy red. "Keep that back arched and that butt in the air, Mandy Lee!" he instructed. "And don't clench those cheeks!" Against the hot metal of the car, with her bottom on fire in the open air, Mandy felt embarrassed and uncomfortable beyond belief. A tear trickled down her cheek as she realized what a brat she had been in the car. A fresh wave of panic washed over her as she heard the leather of his belt slithering from his belt loops.
"No!" she shrieked, hopping from one foot to another desperately. "Don't belt me! Please, baby, don't belt me!"
"You should have thought about not wanting a belting before you acted so immaturely in the car," he said coolly, looping the leather in his hand. "Get back over that hood and into position." Knowing she had no other choice, she bent back over the hood and felt the first stingy swat of the leather. Her bottom screamed in protest as it made contact repeatedly. As hard as she tried, she kept trying to avoid the swats, which earned her five extras. After about forty painful swats, he stopped. "I want you to count the last ten," he told her. "You will say, 'One, thank you sir. I will not be a brat'. And you will continue to count until ten. If you miss a number, or forget what number it is, we will begin again. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes sir," she answered, tears sliding down her cheeks. She felt another blow from the belt. "One, thank you sir! I will not be a brat!" Another swat came all too quickly. "TWO! Thank you SIR! I will not be a braaaaat!" He continued whipping her with the belt, all the way until ten, when she was sobbing mercilessly. Her bare bottom was crimson and marked with the belt's kiss, and he gave her a moment to compose herself before kissing the top of her head and speaking again.
"Please give me your shorts and panties," he said. "I want you to sit on that bare bottom in the car and as you try to read the map again, think of this spanking."
"Yes sir," she said, handing him the shorts and striped panties. She quickly scampered back to the car and planted herself in her seat, wincing as her punished flesh made contact with the leather. Pete clambered back into the driver's seat, and she managed to find the route on the map. They continued onward to the lake in a very pleasant manner, and although her bottom ached from the spanking, she was glad that he had corrected her nasty attitude.
Upon arrival, Pete unstrapped the canoe from the top of the car and slid it into the water. He handed her back her shorts and panties, which she put on gratefully. She grabbed the fishing poles and tackle box, and they climbed in together. They both paddled to the middle of the lake, and she asked him to bait her hook for her. The wriggling worms from the white Styrofoam container repulsed her, and she wasn't eager to touch one. Pete happily obliged, and she smeared sunscreen onto her shoulders as he did it. He plopped the line into the water without casting it and handed the pole to her.
"Well, that wasn't a very good cast," she pointed out, peering into the murky lake.
"So reel it in and cast it yourself," he told her, a gleam glinting in his eye. She slowly reeled in the line, expecting to see the pink worm writhing on the end. Instead, she saw something entirely different - a gold band, with a princess cut diamond sparkling in the sun, tied with fishing line. Her jaw dropped.
"Pete!" she gasped, her amber eyes widening. She turned to face him, in absolute awe.
"Mandy, since the day that I've met you, you've changed my life," he began. "There's something about you that sets you apart from everyone else. You're kind, and loveable, and generous, and you've turned my world upside down. I don't know where I would be without you, and I hope I never have to find out. I love you with all of my heart, and I would be honoured if you would be my wife." His face lit up eagerly as he awaited her reply.
"Yes!" she cried out joyfully. "Oh, yes, of course I'll marry you!" She would have leapt at him had it not been for the unstable canoe, so instead she leaned toward him and gave him a tender kiss. He wrapped his arms around her and they stayed that way for a blissful moment.
"Now, you know there's one condition," he said finally. "I'm going to be the HOH in our relationship. You're going to have to accept spankings when you need to be punished, just like this afternoon." She blushed sheepishly, thinking of her childish protests against coming with him and her fit in the car. "And you know that I'm going to be the one to decide when you get spanked. Can you live with that?"
She took a deep breath, and tried to picture her life without DD - or Pete - in it. She couldn't. Her bottom was still hot and sore, but her love for this man burned much stronger. "Yes, I can," she answered him honestly. "I love you, Pete. And I will trust you to do what's best for me."
"I will, baby girl," he whispered, sliding the ring onto her finger. "That spanking was only one of many to come."
So, there was my first attempt at a spanking story! Feel free to let me know what you think. Any feedback would be appreciated! As for me, I messed up again...I didn't get to bed on time last night, and I got a bit mouthy today. Looks like Mandy isn't the only one getting a spanking! Leo has informed me that I'll be getting 200 spanks, perhaps with an implement (yikes!). I'll keep you posted!
However, Leo's threat was enough to get the wheels in my mind turning. I've been wanting to try writing a spanking story, but I couldn't come up with a scenario. This one seems perfect! Plus, with summer getting close, I thought an outdoors scene might be appropriate. So, here goes nothing!
Mandy sighed as she watched the green foliage whip by in a blur outside the car window. It was a beautiful summer day. The sky was blue, with only a faint wisp of cloud, and the air was hot and breezy. She had woken up with the intention of doing absolutely nothing; perhaps dipping her toes in the lake, or lounging on the wooden dock while trying to tan her legs. However, as she buttered her toast and contemplated which swimsuit to wear, her long-time boyfriend Pete came sauntering into the kitchen holding a fishing pole.
"What are you doing with that?" she inquired, turning to face him.
"What would one normally do with a fishing pole?" he responded, his eyes crinkling into a smile. "I thought we could go fishing! There's a lake about half an hour from here that supposedly has excellent fishing, and it would be a nice way to spend the afternoon."
"A nice way to spend the afternoon?!" she spat out. "Pete, I don't feel like it! I just want to relax here today. Lay in the sun, maybe, and go for a swim."
"Mandy, yesterday you decided that we would go to town, and we did. The day before that, you wanted to go on a boat ride, and we did that. I think it's fair for us to do something that I want to do today," Pete told her firmly. "Now, why don't you go start packing? We'll need some bug spray, sun screen, some snacks--"
"No," Mandy cut him off abruptly. "Fishing is the most boring thing in the world. I'm not going, Pete. And that's final!"
Pete's expression changed quickly. "Young lady," he warned. "You had better get rid of that attitude and quit talking back to me. We're going fishing today, that's what's final. And unless you want your bottom bared and spanked right now, then I suggest you start packing a backpack and behaving." He ignored the pouty part of her lips, and exited the room.
Mandy didn't want to go on a hike, but she didn't want a spanking either. Frustrated, she threw open the fridge door and yanked out a can of tuna fish, which she knew wasn't Pete's favourite. She made two sandwiches, and packed plastic containers of cherries and stalks of celery - two other snacks that she knew Pete wouldn't be thrilled with. She gathered a can of bug spray and a bottle of sun screen, as well as a water bottle and a pair of sunglasses. Pete returned to the cottage's kitchen half an hour later, and was pleased that she had chosen to listen to him.
"Good girl," he praised her, pecking her on the cheek. She didn't say anything. Instead, she laced up her running shoes and waited miserably as he circled the cottage whistling, collecting car keys and making sure they had everything they needed. As she walked out the door, she kissed the distant memories of her swimsuit and the sunny dock goodbye.
Now, here she was, in the passenger seat of the car, on the way to a lake in the middle of God-knows-where. She cringed at the thought of the mosquitoes that would be flitting around the shoreline, and the cold lake that was substituting for the hot sandy beach back at the cottage. She closed her eyes, trying to lull herself to sleep so that she could forget the impending fishing trip and the boring drive.
"Where are we?" Pete blurted out suddenly. "I thought we would have been there by now! We must have gone the wrong way. Mandy, get out the map." Grumbling, she rustled through the glove compartment and retrieved the map. "Now check and see where we are. We were supposed to turn back there, and I thought we were supposed to turn right...but now that I think of it, maybe it was left."
Mandy liked to consider herself directionally challenged, and the map looked like a series of jagged lines and meaningless squiggles. "I don't know," she told him, half-heartedly trying to comprehend what she was looking at. "But just a thought - it's always nice to know where you're going before you leave." Her sarcastic tone did not go unnoticed.
"Mandy. We're already lost, and I'm already frustrated. Get rid of the attitude." He gritted his teeth in annoyance. "Take a look at the map and tell me where we went wrong!"
"We? I'm not the one driving here," she replied, clearly ignoring Pete's warning. "And I can't read this thing! I don't understand it!"
"It's not that difficult," he told her matter-of-factly. "Of all things, a lake would be the easiest to find."
"Well then, you read the damn thing!" she retorted, throwing the crinkled map in his direction. She immediately realized that it had been a bad move. Pete quickly swerved the car to the side of the road and turned off the ignition.
"Out of the car," he said icily. "Now."
A knot of fear entangled itself in the pit of Mandy's stomach. "Oh, please no, Pete! I didn't mean to...I really didn't..."
He disregarded her pleading. "You meant to, Mandy Lee," he said. "I know you did. Now get out of the car."
Reluctantly, she unclicked her seatbelt and climbed slowly out of the car. The road was deserted; a lonely side road that she was sure no one ever really used. She trembled a little as Pete's strong hand curled around her forearm, dragging her to the hood of the car.
"Unzip your shorts," he commanded. "I want your bare butt over the hood of this car."
"Pete!" she protested, frantically surveying the area. "What if someone comes? Please don't do this to me!"
"No one is going to come," he told her, "and even if they do, all they're going to see is a naughty girl getting what she deserves. If you don't have those shorts down in ten seconds, I'm doubling your spanking." The last comment prompted her to quickly remove the shorts, and she reluctantly bent over the hood of the car. The breeze tickled her bare cheeks, and she shivered in unwanted anticipation. "Arch that back," he said. "I want that butt up nice and high so I can spank it properly." She pushed her bottom up toward him so that her pale cheeks were at his disposal. As hard as she tried, she wasn't prepared for the first swat that came crashing down. SMACK!
"Ouch!" she cried, wildly trying to protect her bottom with her hand.
"Oh no you don't!" he said, grabbing her wrist and pinning her arm behind her back. "Try that again, young lady, and you'll be getting extras." His hand rained down in another flurry of hard spanks. "You will NOT..." SMACK! "Ever..." SMACK! "Throw something..." SMACK! "At me..." SMACK! "While I am driving..." SMACK! SMACK! "Or ever, for that matter..." SMACK! "Again!" SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "You can also..." SMACK! "Lose the attitude..." SMACK! "Unless..." SMACK! "You want to find..." SMACK! "Yourself in this position..." SMACK! SMACK! "Again!" His hand continued to punish her creamy cheeks until they began to blush a rosy red. "Keep that back arched and that butt in the air, Mandy Lee!" he instructed. "And don't clench those cheeks!" Against the hot metal of the car, with her bottom on fire in the open air, Mandy felt embarrassed and uncomfortable beyond belief. A tear trickled down her cheek as she realized what a brat she had been in the car. A fresh wave of panic washed over her as she heard the leather of his belt slithering from his belt loops.
"No!" she shrieked, hopping from one foot to another desperately. "Don't belt me! Please, baby, don't belt me!"
"You should have thought about not wanting a belting before you acted so immaturely in the car," he said coolly, looping the leather in his hand. "Get back over that hood and into position." Knowing she had no other choice, she bent back over the hood and felt the first stingy swat of the leather. Her bottom screamed in protest as it made contact repeatedly. As hard as she tried, she kept trying to avoid the swats, which earned her five extras. After about forty painful swats, he stopped. "I want you to count the last ten," he told her. "You will say, 'One, thank you sir. I will not be a brat'. And you will continue to count until ten. If you miss a number, or forget what number it is, we will begin again. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes sir," she answered, tears sliding down her cheeks. She felt another blow from the belt. "One, thank you sir! I will not be a brat!" Another swat came all too quickly. "TWO! Thank you SIR! I will not be a braaaaat!" He continued whipping her with the belt, all the way until ten, when she was sobbing mercilessly. Her bare bottom was crimson and marked with the belt's kiss, and he gave her a moment to compose herself before kissing the top of her head and speaking again.
"Please give me your shorts and panties," he said. "I want you to sit on that bare bottom in the car and as you try to read the map again, think of this spanking."
"Yes sir," she said, handing him the shorts and striped panties. She quickly scampered back to the car and planted herself in her seat, wincing as her punished flesh made contact with the leather. Pete clambered back into the driver's seat, and she managed to find the route on the map. They continued onward to the lake in a very pleasant manner, and although her bottom ached from the spanking, she was glad that he had corrected her nasty attitude.
Upon arrival, Pete unstrapped the canoe from the top of the car and slid it into the water. He handed her back her shorts and panties, which she put on gratefully. She grabbed the fishing poles and tackle box, and they climbed in together. They both paddled to the middle of the lake, and she asked him to bait her hook for her. The wriggling worms from the white Styrofoam container repulsed her, and she wasn't eager to touch one. Pete happily obliged, and she smeared sunscreen onto her shoulders as he did it. He plopped the line into the water without casting it and handed the pole to her.
"Well, that wasn't a very good cast," she pointed out, peering into the murky lake.
"So reel it in and cast it yourself," he told her, a gleam glinting in his eye. She slowly reeled in the line, expecting to see the pink worm writhing on the end. Instead, she saw something entirely different - a gold band, with a princess cut diamond sparkling in the sun, tied with fishing line. Her jaw dropped.
"Pete!" she gasped, her amber eyes widening. She turned to face him, in absolute awe.
"Mandy, since the day that I've met you, you've changed my life," he began. "There's something about you that sets you apart from everyone else. You're kind, and loveable, and generous, and you've turned my world upside down. I don't know where I would be without you, and I hope I never have to find out. I love you with all of my heart, and I would be honoured if you would be my wife." His face lit up eagerly as he awaited her reply.
"Yes!" she cried out joyfully. "Oh, yes, of course I'll marry you!" She would have leapt at him had it not been for the unstable canoe, so instead she leaned toward him and gave him a tender kiss. He wrapped his arms around her and they stayed that way for a blissful moment.
"Now, you know there's one condition," he said finally. "I'm going to be the HOH in our relationship. You're going to have to accept spankings when you need to be punished, just like this afternoon." She blushed sheepishly, thinking of her childish protests against coming with him and her fit in the car. "And you know that I'm going to be the one to decide when you get spanked. Can you live with that?"
She took a deep breath, and tried to picture her life without DD - or Pete - in it. She couldn't. Her bottom was still hot and sore, but her love for this man burned much stronger. "Yes, I can," she answered him honestly. "I love you, Pete. And I will trust you to do what's best for me."
"I will, baby girl," he whispered, sliding the ring onto her finger. "That spanking was only one of many to come."
So, there was my first attempt at a spanking story! Feel free to let me know what you think. Any feedback would be appreciated! As for me, I messed up again...I didn't get to bed on time last night, and I got a bit mouthy today. Looks like Mandy isn't the only one getting a spanking! Leo has informed me that I'll be getting 200 spanks, perhaps with an implement (yikes!). I'll keep you posted!
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